Sunday, March 1, 2020

This Just In ...


  1. I got the House O Foam covered from my double top secret redoubt with round the clock staff. Cross hairs at the ready....

  2. Never mind JF, just hope Lieutenant Columbo isn't on his way over.

  3. What I meant to add, no, actually that's a lie, I didn't think of it till I clicked 'publish', one channel over here (the UK) runs wall to wall MSW every Saturday and wall to wall Columbo every Sunday. Trouble is they own the rights to very few episodes, so the same ones come round with rather too frequent frequency, or seem to. Mind you if I wanted to watch more Columbo I could borrow my son-in-law's box set, containing everything. He is a policeman, and Italian, don't know if that's relevant, rather more to the point, he's just returned from visiting his parents in Lombardy. They live next door to Rosemary Clooney's nephew, in rather more modest accommodation, I would hasten to add. (Well that was fascinating, wasn't it? These people with nothing better to do as someone recently opined.)

    1. My recent visits to the UK were made more bearable by just those shows. "Comfort food" viewing. Hugely successful, ran for years, and for a reason - they were good. Sometimes good is good enough.

      And feel free to write whatever comes into your head, almost!

    2. Whatever comes into my head? Reminds me of one of my favourite lines in Asterix le Gaulois (Ha!. That's his rather unsubtle way of telling you he reads them in French! - Krapp) Er, yes, anyway, in one of the adventures Asterfix and Obelix find themselves involved with an avant-garde theatre troupe. The director points at Obelix and says "And at the climax you come to the front of the stage and say whatever comes into your head" Looking highly anxious Obelix whispers to Asterix, "But you know sometimes nothing comes into my head." It would seem to me that the world would be a far better place if nothing came into the heads of the majority of people, who feel they have something to say but certainly don't. (Why can't you practice what you preach, you stupid **** - Krapp)
