Monday, March 23, 2020

Covid Cuties Quarantine Club!

These can-do cuties had a swell idea! If you gotta self-isolate, self-isolate together! Why - the more the merrier! "It's a sisterhood thing?" up-spoke systems analyst Chelsee (19) yesterday from the deck of the False Memory Foam© yacht, moored for hygiene reasons in th' House O'Foam© pool. "We were like, a community quarantine deal means strength in numbers, right?"

"Yeah!" chimed in tree surgeon Sydnee (21). "So when Doctor Throckmorton suggested we, like, self-isolate on his yacht, we were like, OMG! How safe is that?!"

"And he gives us regular check-ups," added Unix code writer Tyson-Caireaux (18). "He's, like, really thorough?"

Curfew? Cor, phew, more like! Pandemic? More like tandemic! Move over, gals, we're comin' aboard!

The leggy lovelies' soundtrack of choice as they wait out the pandemic? Why, it's country rock pioneers Hearts And Flowers! Back in '67, when Tim Schmit was groovin' pop-psych with Glad, fellow fledgling Eagle Bernie Leadon was pluckin' th' banjolele with these guys. Here's their three albums - what's that you say? They only cut two? Geddouddahere!!


  1. Any mention of a *certain song* contained herein will immediately instigate a military crackdown! Be very careful you do not mention the *certain song*!

    You gots to grovel for the link, as usual. I'm busy doin' medicals for th' broads on th' boat.

  2. FT3
    Please be sure to sterilize that stethoscope and hemostat. We don't want the Cuties catching anything unsavory while quarantined. Don't take the yacht into the deep end of the pool, Bambee and Cheree can't swim.

  3. How's this; Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease

    1. Okayokayokayokay awready!

      Lemme wash me mitts an' I'll be right on it ...

  4. This blank check has a place for you to fill in as many Thank You's as you see fit.

    1. I don't think I'm giving away any secrets by revealing that our "anonymous" commenter is none other than billionaire philanthropist and country rock enthusiast Bill Gates! Welcome to th' House O' Foam©, Bill!


  5. Thank you, pard'ner! I think I'll sit a spell.

  6. Make sure you wear protection while servicing your new crew on The HMS FMF Yacht -- I'm sure you're in the "high risk" group with your promiscuous lifestyle. Let me know if you need a Gilligan to your Skipper

  7. Larry Murray has been called the godfather of country rock (though don't ask me by whom). Here is his only LP, Sweet Country Suite, and a handful of non LP cuts.

    1. Mr. O'Dot once again surprises everyone with his signature rush from behind. Thank you!

  8. Hello, Billy Gates at the Double X ranch - any chance of reuping Whistler, Chaucer, Detroit and Greenhill? The other cow pokes, to say nothing of myself, would sure like it if you could see to it. Thanks!

    1. Okay, but please ask for re-ups in the comments to the relevant piece - which is where I'll post the re-up. Gimme a few hours.

  9. Will do (for future reference), and thank you. I appreciate it.

    Billy, Double X.
