Sunday, March 22, 2020

Practice Social Distancing With Cody!

Cody sez: "Cheez Whiz! It's natural!"
I am pleased to announce the return of Cody to Th' House O' Foam©! The technical expertise, leadership and mentoring skills, academic rigor and intuitive wisdom which she brought to the table have been much-missed. Her presence more than compensates for a culture of toxic masculinity and will, I hope, encourage other dames out there to join the conversation and change the narrative!

Today, Cody has chosen to speak about the timely issue of Social Distancing! Cody?

"Social Distancing? Are you kidding? I already spent, like, my young life distancing myself socially from skeevy old-timers like you! Doesn't take a pandemic for me to avoid you like the plague! I'm, like, ew? Dream on, Grandpa, and keep your hairy old hands to yourself!"

That's great news, Cody, and valuable information, too!

Sunday is a swell time to distance yourself socially with some E-Z listenin' tuneage. Today we gots Urubamba, which is like Mexican music or something from Spain [Peru, you doofus - Ed.]. These guys used to make tourist music under the name of Los Incas until Paul Simon culturally appropriated them. Gorgeous, gorgeous music.

Deolinda is a swell happy-fado disc from Argentina [Portugal, FFS - Ed.] you can play from your balcony to th' empty boulevard below! Happy Social Distancing!


  1. no distance is social enough...but I'll take a gander at that music

  2. Welcome back to the Bunker O Foam Cody!

  3. Nice to see Cody back as well the new emphasis on treating the broads with respect. The Foam surges forward, a veritable balm, capable of soothing angsty humankind in this perilous moment. Thanks too for the south of the border tootles.

  4. Welcome back, Cody! Sure, a term like "skeevy" might strike some among the clientele as slightly (how to say) unceremonious, but I for one am always appreciative of a little clarity.

  5. Welcome back and condolences on your recent loss, Cody. I hope that old goat left you a boatload of money. If your looking for someone to spend it on and/or "shelter in place" with give me a holler! My hands ain't nearly as hairy as Uncle Farq's -- I'll even shave them if you want. And I'm sure the wife and kids would love to have you!
