Sunday, March 29, 2020

Important Announcement Dept.

Socially distanced from you, fella.
From today, in order to comply with social distancing restrictions being imposed world-wide, Th' House O' Foam© is going on-line exclusively.

We hope that the Four Or Five Guys© will understand this move and continue to be engaged in the conversation!

Here's a picture of a dame in a bikini, for no good reason at all that I can think of.


  1. Four of five haven't left the House O Foam bar in over six months. Our spouses have forgotten us. We have our duty free smokes delivered.

  2. Do you still offer carry out service or is it delivery only now?

  3. It's surely the right move under the circumstances (given that Th' HOF server has already been bleached and acid washed, too).

  4. Can we reserve our seats for when Trump defeats this Chinese virus for us? I'm thinking of leaving a big infected loogie on mine to keep the riff raff from trying to steal it

  5. I'll wait here then in the sitting room. Nah, I'll sit here in the waiting room. Izzat you Nancy?

  6. We have allowed our habits to become so effectively manipulated toward convenience that is hard to imagine appreciating idiosyncrasy if it returned.
    lead on oh great one, and you too white bikini.
