Thursday, March 26, 2020

Great Classics Of Literature Out Th' Ass Dept. - Weirdo Wrap-Up!

"Why won't dames fuck me?"
R. Crumb. Would you want that for a name? How would it have affected you? Is fate - destiny, if you will - somehow linked to identity through this magical talisman we call a name? What is in a name? Letters, mostly. Letters of the alphabet, yet! The whole thing beats me. I ain't got no answers. Quit pesterin' me wit' yer dumb-ass questions awready.

Today's Cornucopia of Questionable Comics bundles up the remaining issues of Weirdo, taking you up to 28, when production was interrupted by Crumb's controversial tenure with the Girl Scouts Of America - a period shrouded in mystery to this day, and one he's unwilling to talk about. "I'm unwilling to talk about that period," he says, "it's shrouded in mystery to this day."

These swell publications have been hand-rendered into a modern "digital" format. Say yes to NO page yellowing! NO loss of investment! NO inky residue! NO color fade! NO chalky aftertaste!

This post made possible through the patronage of The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation© and Manny's Franks N' Fries (Yonkers, N.Y.) ©


  1. Thanks! And, yes, I'm quite sure I've got it down now.

  2. Boy Howdy! Me too Crab Cakes!!!! Thanks Farq!

  3. Stealth Links are used by the C.I.A. to guide field agents to relevant information. They're hidden - in plain sight - in publicly accessible government sites, usually dull informational pages about state legislature or infrastructure statistics, the kind of thing nobody reads. Where the link is positioned - the word it's next to, or part of - is also of significance. Link leads to link, and the agent joins the dots and gets the message.

  4. thank you.
    next time i wear a hat, i'll tip it to you.

  5. Thanks! Fine literature indeed!

  6. gee willikers, thanx Farq! This pandemic just keeps getting better and better! And thanks for the S&M field training (sources and methods you perverts!)
