Thursday, March 12, 2020

Great Classics Of Literature Out Th' Ass Dept. - Arcade

One of several attempts by Art Spiegelman and Bill Griffith - the Steely Dan of comic art - to raise the standing of underground comix, Arcade's brief run was a powerful newsstand magnet from '75 to '76, its demise signaled by the uh-oh cheaper paper of the last issue.

There's some wonderful stuff here, with both Art Becker & Bill Fagen at the top of their graphic game. But it was a doomed enterprise, too smart for San Francisco stoners, too dumb for Noo Yoik inty-leck-chools.

Spiegelman launched the more successful Raw a few years later, while Crumb kept the lurid flame of the original underground scene burning with Weirdo.

You tell kids today about all this, and you know what? They don't wanna know. You want all seven issues, comb-bound in PDF? Spend some time squinting and tapping in the comments, old-timer!


  1. I'm glad to see you are upgrading the literacy of those who lovingly follow your blog. Have you heard any further word on the death of our beloved Myra. I continue my mourning of her loss by eating only blackened toast and drinking puddle water.

    1. Nope, you ain't, FG. Tell you what tho' - something is screwed at your blog. When I try to leave a comment using my blogger ID, i.e. logged in, I am informed that "this blog does not accept anonymous comments", which would be fine if I was trying to make one. Check your settings - you may be missing a shitload of comments.

    2. Got it. I'll have a look. Thanks

  2. ..........but..............there are no comments.
    What's up with the indifference of kids (which I've also encountered) to this?
    I don't get it. Sure, there are dated references in places butI would think that anyone who's ever liked Adult Swim (or equivalent) could relate to this.

  3. Replies
    1. So stealthy I can't see it.

    2. Stealth Links! Some people see the point, others do not.

      (The link is in my first comment. Work with me on this, people!)

    3. Let me help ya - I'm hovering my cursor - that's like a little arrow POINTer thing on my computer - right over the link!!!! Right there! See that? It's POINTing right at it!!!!

    4. If you say so...........

  4. OK, found it. Thanks for this (no kidding) great cultural artifact.
    The puzzle is another matter, though......

  5. Whatever point it is, I don't get it!

  6. I only know Art Spiegelmann through his masterpiece MAUS, about his father's experience in a Nazi death camp and Spiegelmann's subsequent relationship with him. For me one of the greatest pieces of 20th century literature. If anyone is not familiar with it, I exhort you to check it out. (Oh and I never get these stealth links....)

  7. All queries about Stealth Links should now be addressed to PsychFan, or any other of the hundreds of Four Or Five Guys© who got th' (full) point.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Regarding the bit about not losing the point, I say, "True Dat."
      Regarding the bit about fielding queries, I say, "I myself will be
      more than glad to wait for someone else among the (hundreds of)
      Four Or Five Guys© to address any question whatsoever that you may have." Also, by the way, thanks for the Arcades.

    2. I've done bunches of these and can't find it for the life of me.

    3. It's the tiny dot just above the "R" of "Reply" (in blue) in the comment that says "Stealth Link". Couple of inches or whatever below the "S" of "Stealth".

    4. Once I looked I realized it wasn't just a speck on the Thanks much.......Ah, now for some world class literature!

  9. Thanks for this bonza read, Farq.

  10. I notice that there is police tape on the House O' Foam. Is this because I did not remove my shoes prior to entering. Hopefully the tape will be removed soon and things will return to what passes as normal at the House O' Foam.

    1. I in turn thought it perhaps has something to do with the unfolding mystery of l'affaire Myra.

    2. Kudos on spotting the subtle change to the header image, guys!

    3. Subtle as a flying mallet...

      Cut me some slack. It was either that or: "Subtle-day morning"

      (Which is what it nearly is H-O-F [patent pending] poolside, as the Myra mystery continues to baffle the 4-or-5 masses...)

  11. HELP! I keep trying to get the link, hovering over all points but it still doesn't work!

    1. See Anonymous comment March 14 11:21

  12. Some more fine literature to put up on the shelf! Love these underground comix -- my college roommate was a Crumb collector and I enjoyed perusing all of these Arcade, Weirdo, etc, immensely. Keep it coming!

  13. Yawning Angel sez...

    Love these, Farq! You're some kind of fellow.

  14. Reading this old stuff and getting acquainted with the Isle here, some 5 months after Friday the 13th of March, let me just say thanks for all the entertainment and whatnot. I'll let you know if I find any dead links I'd like refreshed, but at this point it's kind of a relief to find some that I don't need to burden my hard drive with at this point. Cheers!

    1. You're welcome, Sr. Hazy. Re-upping "literature" may be a problem, as my files are scattered over various drives, and I'm getting a little offhand when it comes to delivering customer satisfaction. But albums should be no problem.

      Don't forget to tell all your friend about th' IOF.
