Friday, May 29, 2020

Memo From Tech Dept. Dept.

In its infinite wisdom, Blogger has chosen to improve things by making them worse, in the time-honored fashion of remastering music. Fewer options for type size and color - just what we wanted! Image upload now refuses some images - oboy! Post preview impossible to back out of! And best of all - RANDOM FUCKING FONT SIZE CHANGES THAT ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO CORRECT WITHOUT STARTING OVER.

Thanks, guys. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I know I'm getting this for free, so it ill behooves me to complain, but I have a question - why the actual fuck?!

Anyways, here's Kreemé to remind us that the good things in life ain't free. Not even affordable, by George.


  1. (I'm only going to say it once!
    .......'Kwhy Change???'.......

  2. Let me console you by telling your this: As I looked out of my window this morning (which is panoramic), I could spy two (2) women, both scantily clad and in the bloom or prime of their respective lives, taking the sun sprawling on their window sills, less than two (2) meters apart, but in seperate apartments on different floors, free and affordable, one of them reading a book even, waiting for life to resume.

    1. Sprawling on their window sills? Isn't that a mite risky?

    2. Our sills are designed to allow women to drape themselves like that for the eyes of the beholder.

  3. Was the book called Surrealistic Pilcrow by the Jefferson Airplane, perhaps?

  4. I don't know, both have disappeared now. I hope they are OK, but there is no evidence to the contrary. Besides, I didn't have my binoculars handy.

  5. " . . . improve things by making them worse . . ."

    Where oh where does one come up with such... such... such witty witticisms...?

    Fair Play (even if not at the Fairgrounds, as the annual Carny Calvacade has been canceled courtesy of covid for this year) Turnabout Dept. time:

    I stole it from a good pal. "Hey!" HadYOurPhil, whereeverya'sis...!!!

    1. Well, of course I quoted you, and I'm sure anyone who reads the comments would have remembered it. You'll be the first to know when I come up with something original.

    2. Grassy ass for the CWCD. Even if I only git halfsies. Stolen art 'n all axiom still applies and I'd sure like to know what ever became of Phil (Not Dirt)...

      CWCD: Credit Where Credit's Doo. NOT Crazy With Covid Disorder...

    3. Leave us not twist ourselves into knots of credit due here (where copyright infringement is the whole of the law). Language is air on the Isle O' Foam© - we breathe it in, we breathe it out. Not individual property. Stir it up, deal it out, pass it on.

  6. I've kept this one in a Special Place since I first saw it a week or so ago. Probably here, so, Pirate's Honor system or not, I'd like to thank WHOEVER and WHATEVER. and WHERE EVER... Before I Cop-ee, Pastie:

    There's an old Zen saying:

    "The giver should be grateful."

    That's not to say it's in ANY way a "judgement" --- Upon the Head Foam Head or ANY one else who might be reading this. I just likes what I likes. And I DO likes this place. And the Essential Soyvices provided. Thanks for Being There. Or Here. Or whatever '80s "cult" film title you may prefer to read in to alla this. (gibberish and gobbledygook)

    1. I live in a Buddhist country. The idea of giving is bound up with doing good, which ensures a good rebirth, so there's a little hint of selfishness in there. Buddha said (NO! COME BACK!) that you should do good for its own sake, without thinking about how good you are or building up points for your next life. But he said a lot of things that Buddhists don't want to hear.

    2. Wearing the robes of a priest does not make one's manner priestly!
      All that matters is...if you're going Carey about anything...
      be SINcere!
      I'm changing my name to Buddha Hilliard Tork!
      Then, I'll give it a way!

    3. I meant, 'To CAREy'
      It was a cheap plug for Timothy and I messed it up.
      See...THAT's selfishness!

    4. Buddah Bing.

      Wasn't that the "hippie" Der (NOT DAVID) Crosby ElPee..? The one with "Hey Jude" onnit?
