Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Breaking Bad

Mark Isham is one of dem guys. You know - a musician. Not a musician like, say, Neil Young is a musician, or Lou Reed, but a guy wit' a shitload of notes at his disposal. An' chords. He's probably got a special pad of dat paper wit' lines on it what musicians use. The type you see in movies where dat one guy is makin' marks on it while he's frownin' at th' pianny an' his frail, what is like wit' child, is trowin' pans an' screamin' get a job, ya lousy nogood bum.

Here's a couple of superb soundtracks from the Tortured Boy Genius. Point Break is his score, not the soundtrack release with a collection of songs on it.

Bad Lieutenant Port Of Call New Orleans is again the true score, with an exclusive promo suite added that wasn't commercially available.

Gee, are these discs ever swell!


  1. When I DOWNLOAD this & then try to open it, there's nothing there. Not sure if the problem's at my end or yours...

    1. That's because you're downloading air. A common mistake, and nothing to feel ashamed about.

      Try this!

    2. Thanks Farq, that's fixed it...

  2. Wow, all this, plus Boidmaniax, & Tom Rush flood, I don't know if I can swim back into shore with just a pool noodle and a tiki torch for a paddle.

    1. Good to see you made it to th' Isle O' Foam© in one piece (or is that a one-piece?) 5GW!
