Ed relaxes in Treehouse Of Blessed Forgetfulness, yestiddy |
Older readers - that's you, pally - have evinced scant concern for Ed, False Memory Foam©'s elderly Sub-Editor-In-Chief, who swam from th' House O' Foam© in bosky downtown Las Vegas to th' Fabulous Isle O' Foam© here in mid-mid-pacific. We thought we'd address this concern, scant tho' it be, by giving youse an update on his situation.
This interview was conducted via the latest T.C.S®. [tin can and string - Ed.] technology connecting surfside H.Q. and T.B.F.®.
FT3: (U-Tube unboxing video voice) Hey guys! Wassup!
Ed: Haw! You know this piece is going to get zero hits, Farq?
FT3: Tell the Four Or Five Guys© about the T.B.F.®.
Ed: Had to deforest half the island to build it!
FT3: Wasn't he Bones in Star Trek?
Ed: It's better than that dumpster you made me live in, leastways. I gots everything a guy could want up here ... seltzer ... homogenized salami ... some books ... and a lamp made out of the island's only surviving Pin-Toed Flamingo.
FT3: Great to see your concern for ecology made it out here intact, Ed! Say - what's that you're reading?
Ed: [PRODUCT PLACEMENT ADVISORY] Why, it's Helium, Farq, the swellest story what was ever wrote! At once hilarious and heartwarming, Helium is a white-knuckle thrill ride of emotions and feelings! You'll laugh at its snappy one-liners! Cry at the inherent tradgidy of man's existential alienation! Throw up -
FT3: (cutting in) What's that I hear spinning on th' treehouse Victrola, Ed?
Ed: It's the blues.
FT3: I thought you eschewed the genre on account which depressing?
Ed: D'oh! Blue Jug, and Blue Mountain Eagle. Solid sub-strata rock for the geologist in all of us.
... and we are all of us, in a very real sense, living in the crawlspace of Ed's treehouse, and leave us not forget it.