Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday Something

Kathy McCord's debut album was a hot collectors' ticket a while back, and maybe still is. Creed Taylor chose it to launch CTI as an independent label in 1970, but sales were disappointing. Its mix of pop, folk-rock and jazz-lite didn't exactly fit in the marketplace, somehow. Ms. McCord's subsequent music career was patchy and frustrating, but she went as far as she could on the limited mileage of her voice.

For Sunday listening, this is just swell. Be it pottering about the house, scrapbooking, or freebasing with a Russian crack whore in the back of your van, these tunes are the perfect accompaniment!


  1. Of course, you had me at Russian crack whore, Comrade Farquhar. A link please, so that we may properly raise a toast to Comrade Brezhnev on the day of the workers' respite!

  2. But wait, it's still Saturday in Vegas?!?!? What gives?

    1. Hey, Dave - you know on a watchband, right? The standard buckle type watchband? You never use the first and last holes, right? Nobody uses the first and last holes. So why don't they just leave 'em off? Huh? Hoo hah? Answer me that, you're so smart. You and your college friends.

  3. "I can only assume ..."

    Ri-ight, su-ure you can!
