Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gruntry Rock

Here's couple of swells on the Grunt Label. Retelling the Jack Bonus story would compromise the fragile atmosphere of flippancy and whimsy we strive to engender here at Th' House O'Foam©. Let's just say things didn't go too great for the poor guy, and move on to the cover of his album, which is a towering work of art. You can keep your Sistine Chapel by Michaelangelo. Your Guernica by Picasso. I'll take the front and back of the Jack Bonus album.

Compositionally, it is balanced and harmonious. Note compelling use of complimentary colors, bold typography. Note creative art direction - setting styled down to the last detail. Note implicit tension in man-woman relationship. Note how back cover subtly continues narrative, suggests resolution to tension.

The music ain't bad, neither nohow. So raise a glass of Jack to Jack, one of the Swell Guys. And remember, when the Warden of your joint sez you don't know Jack Shit, you can reply with no, but I know Jack Bonus, ya doofus! and pass your time in solitary yokking it up at your fine wit!

Our second Grunt Goodie today is Gettin' Plenty (hmm - is a theme emerging?) by Richmond Talbott. Which never saw release. Or did. But only a couple. Or something. Anyway, it's rarer than a quiet night in the Tropicalia Trailer Resort, Coon County, NM.

Check out the Romo Grocery sign on the cover: tortilla factory beer wines. Sounds like our kind of establishment, right? I bet Jack's in there, making an impulse purchase.

And here's the back cover.

And the inner sleeve front ...

... and back, which tells his story, so I don't have to. It's reading glasses time!

A spin o' th' propeller beanie to Lupine Assassin!