Friday, August 30, 2019

Toast And Marmalade For Tea

It's impossible to take any band calling themselves Tin Tin seriously. Yet Can can - losing the repetition and changing the container was all it required. Those canny Krauts! Tin Tin was formed in the UK by an Australian duo calling themselves Steve And Stevie, which was, I suppose, an improvement on Steve Steve.

Yeesh - get off your ass and read the Wiki page. I should waste the twilight years of my life re-typing rock, pop n' roll history for you? That's some nerve you have! Why, for two cents I'd ... I'd ...

Anyway, here, as part of PEW week, are their fine fine albums, including Steve And Stevie's winsome debut. Melodic chops abound - Steve Kipner went on to produce and write for Major Stars. Astral Taxi has rare boners tracks, and the presence of Toast And Marmalade For Tea should make this an impulse purchase for freeloading bums everywhere.


  1. If anyone noticed the absence of the Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy! post - it's due to blogger bugginess. I was fine-tuning the text for greater comedic effect when it all deleted itself. *shrug*.

  2. This rings a bell somewhere..........thanks!

  3. The titular song has long been a favorite, if you know what I mean. Is it banal to mention the similarity to Bee Gees of the era? "Reflections of My Life" by Marmalade filled a similar gap at one point. America stepped in when the public needed more Neil Young. The record company loves you.
