Friday, December 31, 2021

Crumbstock - Three Discs Of Pies, Laffs N' Music!

Number Two was the first I bought. I literally couldn't leave it in the rack with a cover like that. And whaddya know, the tunes within were swell also! Crumb is known as a collector of early 78s, and he frequently limned hisself as a slobbering nerd obsessing over a new purchase. His Cheap Suit Serenaders renditions are amateurism pushed to the giddy brink of genius thru sheer wilful enthusiasm, and as far as I need get into the genre.

Today's loaddown (vols one thru three) is a grand way to flip the bird to the Old and the New Year simultaneantly! Number Two still seems choice to me, but you can shuffle, rinse and repeat. Get in a quart of Thunderbird™, fold up that Z-Bed©, roll back the rug and partay like it's 1926! Gee! Is it ever swell!


  1. New Years' Resolutions - ever make one you kept for more than a month? I mean, if it's something like "I promise not to strangle any more of those orphans" we don't need to know - keep it relatable.

    1. The only one I've ever kept was when I was in my early 30s and resolved to stop biting my nails. I stopped and never started again.

  2. Yep, I made one to learn how to make mashups, but it did take me many months to do it. Can't think of another.

  3. I kept two New Year's resolutions.
    In 1971, my resolution was to quit smoking tobacco. My last puff of tobacco took place at 11:50 PM, on December 31st, 1971.

    In 1973 my resolution was to become vegetarian, and haven't eaten meat since.

  4. Free! bonus related material included in loaddown at no extra cost!

  5. Thank you ! I dig these recordings: String Band hi-jinx that even Ms. Kreeme could shake her tail-feather to!

  6. I can't even go 48 hrs without resuming a bad habit. This looks smashing enough to cheer up even a loser like me, for a few minutes anyway. Thanks a lot and Hippy Gnu Yeah.

  7. Thank_You. For all of your Posts. HAPPY NEW YEAR...2022.
    Now Heer's Too a Toast for the Very Last Day of December 31st, 2021...
    "I Thank-You for this, The Final Day of a Year that will go down in the annals of infamy and then to start with a Fresh, New And
    Positive Beginnings for a much better year for all of us."

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't make New Years' Resolutions, but having just downloaded yet more music, I will try to keep my computer desktop tidy. 40 d/ls in a new folder marked 'Use it or BIN IT'. I know people have external hard drives with gigabytes of music on them (people who collect live Grateful Dead/The Allmans etc comes to mind), but my thinking is if I don't listen to stuff even once before filing it away, then when am I going to 'get round to it'.

    Lets face it as the great philosopher Steve Miller said
    Time keeps on slipping into the future
    Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping
    Into the future.

    Happy New Year
    Bambi with the tidy desktop

    1. but doesnt time mainly slip into the passed?
      So Capricorns unavoidably geared into/obsessed w/ time [dane rudhyar]
      youll find it true: 1st led zep [Page the Cap] 3 songs w/ Time in title...David Bowie: too many to cite properly but dig his song TIME; 5 YEARS f'chrissake...or
      "It's too late [It's too late to be grateful, it's too late to be late again
      It's too late to be hateful the European canon is here
      Yes, it's too late
      It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late
      The European canon is here and yes it's too late
      Oh, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late
      The European canon is here and yes, it's too late
      It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late...
      Syd "The clock they sent thru a washing machine''...
      cheers just in time
      steve miller not a cap
      btw tho he should be

    2. Why don't you pen a regular astrology column for th' IoF©? I'm serious about this.

    3. could be fun next step?

    4. EQ i emailed you few days ago, get it?

  10. Many thanks to Farq for disinfecting the naugahyde booth seats here, and also for some great music. Many thanks also to the 4 or 5 Guys for music, comments and general pithiness.

    Have a great New Year, everyone!

  11. thanks to each and everyone for so much entertainment; y'all are pretty amazing.

    Resolutions? At 16 to learn to play the guitar. At 20, after making myself quite seriously ill, no more crank, cold turkey. At 22 to walk away from electoral politics. 3-fer-3, quit while I was ahead. No more resolutions.

  12. Gee wiz, these will sure go swell with all the other old-timey music shared the other day. With a dark and uncertain future looming before us I will take comfort in the joyful cacophony of friends coming together to harmonize and riff off one another in times both good and bad -- just like the lively comment threads here on the virtual Isle o' Foam. Cheers to all my fellow "4/5 Guys"!

    Here's to straddlin' the date line in your skivvies with a jug of Thunderbird between your thighs, flippin' the bird with both hands to the Old and New year!!

    See you on the other side mateys.

  13. A Fine Old English NoblemonDecember 31, 2021 at 11:17 PM

    Don't think I've ever made a resolution, but I'll make one now to stop making so many spooling mistooks, which come from using a tablet rather than a computer with a proper keyboard.

    Anyway all the best to everyone on the Isle. It's been great fun getting to virtually know you all. The topics covered have been rich and varied from Mabuhay Gardens to stick insect porn, from Soft Machine to Santana, from esperanto to fandango.

    Special thanks to our host and spiritual leader, Mr Throgmorton, it must take a lot of time coming up with your posts each day, much appreciated.
    I have also enjoyed the youtube appearances from your great grandfather, very unusual, I want his hat!

    A happy new year to you all and don't let the winged carrot get your back.

    your chum,


    1. "Winged Carrot"?!?! Oh great, now I've got another demon to haunt my nightmares!

    2. A Fine Old English NoblemonJanuary 1, 2022 at 2:48 AM

      Blame Mr Throck not Throg morton and my spelling mistakes, and don't let me loose on those worms having a go at that long preserved virginity.

      Metaphysical poets, who needs 'em?

  14. I resolve to never again take a dog's temperature in church.

  15. This year for me has without a doubt been the lowest shit on the shit shelf for me. I am more than thrilled to kick 2021 to the curb. My new years' rez is to never believe anything about anything ever again. My heart is genuinely broken, and I the only reason I am still alive is because I still have to take care of my kids, who I dearly love. Piss on 2021 and may it never darken my life again

    1. It's a good new year's rez, but belief is an insubstantial thing to build a life on. And keep both hope and despair at arm's length - they're both liars.

  16. My best New Year resolution (round about '69) was to not make NY resolutions. 100% success.

    R Crumb. Well, it's complex isn't it?

    Music: easy to love. R Crump inspired compilations - indispensible.

    Art: LP covers are generally magnificent (but very open to "woke" attack). Trading cards and related books are a joy. The comic strips ... well, y'know, sometimes you have to take a deep breath and consider what you think is acceptable.

    Overall, I love him but I do hide his stuff from my daughter in law.

    Cheers, Peanuts Molloy.

    1. Crumb was/is racist/sexist, the absolute opposite of woke. Zwigoff's movie showed us an ugly family background, and Crumb used comics to satisfy and fuel his own fantasies, which included incest and pedophilia. Later in life he turned to straightforward (and very kitsch) Bible illustrations. He was never part of the counterculture, although he worked within it, and hated hippies. But he was at least honest about the demons, both in himself and others. Humanity is not bland, and we can't always present it as such. And wow, he could draw. Immediately identifiable and unique style, and that's very rare. We have to pass on the human being, and treasure the art, for all its anti-wokeness. Especially for that.

    2. I'm partial to a bit of Max Cannon's "Red Meat".

  17. A Fine Old English NoblemonJanuary 1, 2022 at 7:17 PM

    Blink... I should coco, by jingo its good that these modern computer boyos invented copy/paste.

    Right, I've got me stool, not sure where to get the 30mins but looking fwd to part 3.

    Yours in anticipation

    (This comment totally incompreshensible, hic,to anyone who lied through their back teeth about not partying 'til dawn on NYE)

    1. It'll all be repeated next time. I'm taking it down each time because I'm guessing that only one, maybe two, of the 4/5g© will get anything from it, and that's enough. It's not an opportunity for discussion, because you'll all weigh in with "my experience with meditation is ..." or some other well-meaning but hopelessly point-missing remark. If you're getting it, keep it to yourself.

  18. Still chucklin, remembering Crumb's comic book.

  19. Well, THIS makes me wanna say Happy New Year!
