Saturday, November 14, 2020

Kut-Out-'n-Keep Dept. - Your Own Free Official I.o'F.© Postcard!

To answer the many requests for a tangible, postal-service-based giveaway that combines beauty with practicality, I'm pleased to make this superb Official Postcard available at no cost - just a dollar! - to th' Four Or Five Guys©!

Inform your less fortunate pals anent your whereabouts with this elegant and tastefully-worded mail-adjacent solution! Or simply display in elegant gilt-effect frame to achieve swell decor accent for den or lobby - surefire conversation starter when unexpected guests drop by!

Note Farq's personal 1949 Delahaye 175S Roadster used as beach buggy bong-house! Note MAD Magazine dirigible giving tours of island! Note What-Me-Worry Kid™ tempting you from foliage! Note fine sand quality! Note clear blue sky! Note palm trees! With the noting, enough already!


  1. Tres Magnifique Monsieur Farq! This is a going concern! I'd buy them were they around. Thanks, this is great.

    1. Simply click on the image and slide it onto your desktop - from there you can send it by email, or print out at your local Kinko's© for a heritage artwork you'll be proud to display on th' dumpster wall!

  2. I only noted Kremées finest assets.

    Maybe I'm doing it wrong?

  3. It's awful hard to tell just WHAT the horizon is up to here, what with Kremé and her, erm, assets blocking the view...

    Also, there is a land mass in the way. It is either a secondary Isle o' Foam (what has the private club house only accessible to the 4-or-5), or just a peninsular type thing goin on...

    I'd say it's a toss up. Sort of like voting for the lesser of two evils for POTUS.

    Either that, or the simplest decision ever. To stay put, right here with K kat and Alfie (cabana) boy and NOT try to swim on over to where the 4-or-5 are at... With their toxic-cloud-emitting Cubans, aspirational aperitifs, and whors d'oeuvres...

    1. All one land mass. The beach in the foreground sweeps around to the right to the land in the distance. I'm drawing up a map of the island, which should make topography clearer (the view in the masthead is of a point, from close up).

    2. I'm pulsing with anticipation of your topo map, Farq. Seeing the contours as they should be seen, from above, will likely give all four or five guys a much clearer feel for the lay of Foam Island.

    3. Hmm. I'm getting the impression your interest in "the lay of the land" ain't strictly geographical ...

  4. You have probably answered this before, but is Kreme someone you know? Also didn't you use to comment alot on Kingcakes blog? If so do you know what happened to him and his blog?

    1. Moe, I haven't been asked this before. In order - Gaaaaahd! I wish!, no, and no.
