Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Psychedelia From The United Kingdom Of America!

The balding B.B.C. engineer in the off-white business shirt thumbed the fader and watched the studio clock, a Senior Service stuck to his lip, oblivious to the fact that he and the long-haired layabouts in the studio were creating a niche-within-a-niche sub-genre on the other side of the world. 

Lazy Smoke, Jade, Sleepy Hollow, Paper Garden and The Paisleys - among others - were U.S. acts taking their cues from Beatles-and-related psychedelia for a one-off album before heading back to Mom, college, Skid Row, Wall Street or a cabin up in the hills.

It was a short-lived phenomenon, arriving late, making little impact, and leaving early, only to wash up on the shores of Th' Isle O' Foam© decades later.


  1. These wonderful conversation pieces, all at the low, low bitrate that's as easy on your pocketbook as it is on your eye, are available for a limited time Absolutely Free to you, Mister Freeloader!

    To slip this Small Package Of value onto the hard drive of your choice, simply copy-paste the following into your comment, deleting what woids ain't applicable!

    "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready, b) It stinks c) I'm broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'"

    1. I ain't a conformin' commie there, comrade, so I's ain't conformin.......
      ah, fuck it:
      "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready, b) It stinks c) I'm broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'" Leavin' all 3 optionals in there's since all 3's is applicable.

  2. Speaking of a-washin' up... Not exactly awash in Comments here, so, can I be the 1st. . . ? Why? Because it might be worth pointing out to the unwashed (that'd be ME) (phew, what's that smell...) if one didn't know any better (me again) you'd think that (JUST by GLANCING at the COVER ART shown here) this was all about that '8Ts phenom which was dubbed (by Rodney on the ROQ?) "The Paisley Underground." And if that's not confusicating enough, check this out:


    I think that it's gotta be ... One & the same ... Or the two and only . . .

    A couple of the vintage Class Pictures of...

    The 4-or-5 Guys!

    1. Sure, you achieve your early life dream of actually getting your songs onto vinyl, and the stupid fucking PR guy from the label says, "oh, hey you, why don't you put the scraf around your neck, and put your hands on your hips, to give us that devil may care look". You're so caught up in the moment that you momentarily surpress your initial instinct to use the scarf as a garret and kill the mfer, do as he suggests, and then there's a click and a flash and the pose is memorialized for ages.
      You live your life constantly looking over your shoulder in perpetual fear that one of the great unwashed will recognize you, hold aloft a stubby little finger and scream, "hey mom, that's the lil' faggot that was in that psych band!!" Your life continues through divorces, deaths, kids and taxes, and you still cannot escape that one moment in time, You finally find some semblance of solace in a far off corner of the internet, inhabited by only 4 or 5 guys, and then sum bastard things he's witty by exposing you, again.....

    2. It was that furshlugginer scraf. He oughtna wore it.

  3. Cripes. Since it took me more than a few minutes to type-oh alla that, I ain't first. Story of my life.

    O.K., "Please, sir, may I have some more?" I mean...

    "I, Sweet Puh-tah-toe, a lousy nosegood freezerunloadin' bum what cares AND butt kisses rather than even THINKS about that whatever-the-heck-is 'fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company' because... A) I bought this stuff awready on 8-Track, Wire Recording, Cassette, DAT, MiniDisk, CD, and LMNOP, (B) It stinks like me sandals after I wade in to the Foam Isle Lagoon in search of some supper (C) I'm broker than a starving artiste who does nuttin' all day but wait around for Foam flingage from Farq, so quit yer whinin', and (D-) was my grade on this when I turned it in to my ESL prof as my thesis."

    1. For that comment you deserve two links, one to the featured records, and one to Everlasting Bliss With NO Chalky Aftertaste.

      "Soon, Zoltan! You must have patience!"

    2. Wha---- No Foam Points...(!?!?)

      I'm gonna vote MYSELF offa the Island...!

      (Storms off in a huff --- no "Po"...)

    3. There seems to be a glitch in the FoamPoints database - bear with us. A catalog will be published soon detailing how you can redeem your FoamPoints for swell premiums!

  4. They musta cropped me outta those pics on account of I yam
    a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal
    remuneration due to th' artist or record company because I'mz
    broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'.

  5. "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready, b) It stinks c) I'm broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'" yup dat;s me awreet

  6. “Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities, the political, the religious, the educational authorities who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing, forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.”

    1. As a rule, yes -- but not on this site!

    2. Except when there's pin-ups!

    3. He was a true Blarney Oirish, but the shit he was full of was better than most.

    4. No, oh oh oh, he's outside, lookin' in.................

    5. Leery? Yes, any time Big Wurds is used. Which is more & more oftener here.

      Oh, wait. LeAry.

      I guess I need glasses...

      "Ne-e-e-e-e-e-ever mind..."

      ("Timothy's being leery's dead... Oh, no-no-no....")

  7. "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready, b) It stinks c) I'm broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'"

  8. Thanks, and phew! I was about to ask if we were gonna
    do "Stonehenge" tomorrow, but now I see there's no need
    for that.

  9. "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready.

  10. The link has been posted already, awready.

    1. Huh. As Andre Gide would observe, "everything has been
      said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep
      going back and beginning all over again." Course, we din
      'ave intellectuals in the grotto. Din 'ave Google neither.
      Nor stealth links. We 'ad tradition and a sweet glimpse
      o' Miss Myrar at brunchtime.

  11. Well, you really stumped me this time, Farq. The link must be sailing away on the Good Ship Potrzebie.

  12. (That was me, too.) ("comment has been removed...")

    "Moved" it to where I wanted it.

    I guess that, to have more options than:

    "Unknown (Google ...?)"

    And to be able to "SELECT PROFILE"

    ...You have to have a GMAIL account, and be NOT be "Signed out."

    May be something new...?

    Anyhow, still unable to use any other option EXCEPT "Unknown" under "Comment as"...

    (I know NOTHING about this teck junque...! As if that's not OBVIOUS...)

    - B.B.

    (Sorry for the Franckenranter...)

  13. "I yam a lousy nogood freeloadin' bum what cares bupkiss for th' fiscal remuneration due to th' artist or record company because a) I bought this stuff awready, b) It stinks c) I'm broke an' da woil' turnt to shit so quit yer whinin'"
