Monday, June 1, 2020

Play "Who's In My Box?" With Terpischorean Tomato Joey Heatherton!

When Joey Heatherton danced for the US Navy on board the USS Ticonderoga on December 27, 1965, she spontaneously detonated three thousand pounds of heavy ordnance. Such were her footwork skills the explosion wasn't even noticed by the sailors until she finished her act.

A Celebrity Resident at Th' Isle O' Foam©, Ms. Heatherton enjoys its time-warping effect of keeping her at a svelte and youthful twenty-three, and is often to be seen chatting to Groucho at the Ticklefish Foot Spa, or dancing for Elvis in the Tiki Lounge.

You know her for her technically demanding dance routines, but few know she's an avid Country Rock fan! So she was delighted when I asked her to host the latest show in our long-running and popular series, "Who's In My Box?"

The concept is simple, even for the meanest intelligence. Joey has a Mystery Box containing an album, a track from which is available for download in the comments. Using your skill and judgement, you have to tell Joey who's in her box!

EDIT: Pmac was the only one of youse slobs to know this album. See comments. 

ADDENDUM: Sterling work by sambgodot with an assist from myself has resulted in a rare opportunity to hear their second album Moment Of Truth. See comments.


  1. Stealth Linkage in effect.

    "A much better singer than Ann-Margret and an equally good dancer, she appealed to the male masses in droves with her high-octane dance moves and saucy glances as huge selling points."

  2. Ah, Joey Heatherton's 1997 Playboy spread.

    Steve Wayda was the Photographer. But the real credit goes to Playboy's Art Director extraordinaire: Art Paul (Art designed the "Bunny" logo), who blew the entire issue's budget airbrushing gallons of Pantone colors 62-6 C, 75-5 C and 77-6 C on Steve Wayda's pics.

    That said, I have no idea who's in Joey's box.

  3. Found the link, but as usual non ho la minima idea, but I don't think the band's Italian. Sounds a bit like Heads Hands and Feet with Rusty Young from Poco on steel, but it ain't. PoINTS?

    1. Sorry, Sam. Here's another clue for you all - not a UK band!

  4. As usual I have no idea, but will just go with an educated guess: Wha-Koo?

    1. Uh-uh. (I have the Wha-Koo albums, including a vinyl rip of the first with an annoying scratch, if anyone's interested).

    2. (And Wha-Koo have a Steely Dan connection)

  5. The Ohio Players? Onie Wheeler? The O'Jays? One Direction? The "O" is not helping. I'm going to kick myself if this becomes obvious after it's revealed but it sounds good and I'm going to keep brainstorming. It's hard though, because the cloroquine tends to make me a bit foggy in the noggin.

    1. The "o" was a thinly-veiled hint for pmac, so he could find the link, and has nothing to do with the band. When the old guy eventually tapped the right button (you should hear his wife about this) he actually freaking knew who it was (confirmed in an email to me). So FoamPoints™ will be showered on him like rain.

  6. Replies
    1. That's because you're playing Music From The Big Pink on th' phony-graph.

  7. Oh, and I have a story about this album, the place that I worked at where it was played regularly, and the manager at that time.

    1. Work it up into a piece. Length doesn't matter (though your wife disagrees).

  8. Based on pmac's hint (Steely Dan connection) and a hunch, I thought it might be, Terry Boylan ‎– Alias Boona. But as I imagine Joey would say, "close, but no cigar, son."

  9. Probably being a bit slow here, but have you actually told us who's in the box?

  10. Hey Farq - do I reveal or do you?

    1. Go ahead, Mr Mac - I'll upload it later. Ans 5.427 FoamPoints™ are yours!

  11. Alright - I'll drop the info. The name of the group is Brethern. Members were Tom Cosgrove (guitar), Mike Garson (keyboards), Ric Marotta (drums) and Stu Woods (bass). Cosgrove and Marotta played on some of the early Steely Dan records. The song Farq posted is from their first, and only officially released album, Success Brand Oil. They recorded a second album, but it appears to have never been released. They also were the backing band on a jazz album released by singer Annette Peacock (I'm the One is the name of the album).

    1. Rick Marotta a.k.a. "Big Dick Ricky", according to a very drunk Warren Zevon

    2. Bretheren also backed Toddd Rundguren most notably at his show from 1971 - 06-30 WMMR Radio Concert -where among other notable events "its Tommy Cosgrove Time occurs..


  12. These guys were on "I'm The One?" Color me amazed.

    (Comment contains Stealth Link, gluten, nut traces)

  13. Hey, I was right at least about Rusty Young on pedal steel, so can I have a point, Farq, please, please, please, please?

    1. PS. both Brethren LPs can be found on youtube:

    2. 0.041 Foampoints™ for guessing Rusty Young. That YouTube clip doesn't want to download as MP3 files, for some reason. I use YouTubeToMP3 (a free app from MediaHuman) which works 99% of the time, but not here. Beats me!

    3. OOOOHHHHH! 0.041 points! My cup overfloweth!. The video was not hard to find as it's on the Brethren Discogs page, so I just went to youtube and put in the relevant request and there you go. Downloading - My easiest way wouldn't work, but I have now managed it,with mp3 studio youtube downloader Shall I put it up on workupload?

    4. Decided unilaterally to upload, so voici:

    5. Hope you've split it into tracks and tagged them an' everything - thanks!

    6. Er, no......don't know how to do that.....not that clever......

    7. I'll see if I feel up to it later! Thanks again.

  14. Hey, thanks for reminding me of Annette!

  15. Okayyyyy! The spirit of teamwork which is the very foundation stone of the Isle O' Foam© has resulted in making their cripplingly rare (and surprisingly swell) second album available to the nogood bums and cheap chiselers what wash up here from time to time. Thanks to sambgodot for finding it, and to me, for splitting it into tagged tracks. There may be some audio "issues" (possibly wow and/or flutter) apparent to the sharp-eared, but this is as good as we're going to get for a while. Good enough for me.

    Stealth Link somewhere in this comment (clue: it's in this comment).

  16. The master of misdirection. 'Clue: it's in this comment', so I started looking in 'this comment'. Wasn't there at all. But I did find where it actually is, thanks. Presumably there is some software which enables one to extricate as you've done here.
    By the way, can I have another point for finding it, he asks cheekily.

    1. It's a much more interesting album than the first, don'cha think?

      You can use Audacity to split files, a brilliant free app that lets you do about anything. I did my Monkees and Pink Floyd mixes with it. Or you can use a pay-for app you get for nothing from Pirate Bay.

    2. Oh, er ... no. I'll be putting up a FoamPoints® Catalog soon, showing how you can redeem those hard-earned points on swell gifts!

    3. Forgot to say thanks for the Audacity tip, so, thanks for the Audacity tip.

  17. Saw Annette P and Paul Bley at Stuart Lyons'Country Club. Robert Wyatt on drums. Sadly it wasn't all that good.
