Monday, June 15, 2020

Gimme Two Steps

Aztec Two-Step have had an extraordinarily long career, from the first album [at left - Ed.] on Elektra in '72 to - as far as I know, in some form or other - the present day, whenever that is. Their first two albums, though, have always remained their first two albums, and that's something to be grateful for.

If you like swell tunes, you'll dig these long-playing records. And the musicians are what you'd expect from Elektra and RCA - the best on the block. Any block. Get yer ears doin' that old-timey two-step in the hallowed sanctity of your chosen abode today!


  1. Saw these guys play at the University of Rhode Island in the mid-70s. Wonderful performance.

  2. To stack these discs on your virtual autochanger, simply solve the following problem:

    Which of the following must be true?

    A temperature increase of 1 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to a temperature increase of 59 degree Celsius.
    A temperature increase of 1 degree Celsius is equivalent to a temperature increase of 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.
    A temperature increase of 59 degree Fahrenheit is equivalent to a temperature increase of 1 degree Celsius.

    A) I only
    B) II only
    C) III only
    D) I and II only

    1. D) I and II only
      Lived in London '85 - '90

      Just WTF was a 1⁄6 gill?

    2. A gill was (perhaps still is for people who think we still have an empire) 1/4 of a pint, so 1/6 of a gill was 1/24 of a pint, or a bloody parsimonious helping of your favourite tipple. By the way B is true, but MUST it be true? Are we having a philosophical debate here?

  3. So, my answer is B.

    Yes, I'm certain and no, I don't want to call anybody (mainly 'cause I have no friends and those I have can't count to twelve if they don't wear sandals.)

    The audience doesn't know jack shit, so yes, please lock in answer B.

    Did I win? Did I win?

  4. The answer (as I suspect you all knew) is:

    E) None of the above
