Cheez Whiz© - gee whiz! it's th' biz! |
You know Annette Funicello from your Google Image Search for anette breats did you mean annette breasts? But few know she's also an avid and knowledgeable collector of obscure vinyl! So when I asked her to host the latest episode of our most popular FoamFeature© she jumped at the chance!
The interview took place in the fun-fur Conversation Pit Of Sound© here in the gold-plated F.M.F.© Airstream trailer H.Q. while Kreemé [pronounced kree-MAY - Ed.] served her signature root beer 'n succotash smoothies.
FMF© Hey, Annette - I gotta say - gee - you were one homely kid!
AF Uh ...
FMF© Who'da thunk, you know, you'd of turned into this paradigm of pulchritude with tits out th' ass?
AF Tits out th' ass? Excuse me?
FMF© It's an expression. Means, double-D Dagmars.
AF (testily) Can we start the game?
FMF© Yeesh! Lighten up, sweetheart! Hey - I hope it's not your period HAW HAW! Okay, Annette Funicello - are you ready to give th' Four Or Five Guys© a peek in your box? I see you have it with you.
AF A girl is never without her Magic Box, Farq!
FMF© Okayyyy Annette - let's play - whoooo's - in your box! (Wurlitzer)
How to play? Why, the rules is simples! Simply download the musical track from the comments, and using your skill and judgement - what's left of it at your age - tell us Who's In Annette's Box!
EDIT: Hermann knew who was in Annette's box - Buffalo group
The Road, with their album
Cognition [at left - Ed.].
This post made possible through the largesse of Tremolo, who is therefore ineligible to participate. Tough beans, Trem!