Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Strange Voyage Of Steven Soles

What for is a Monkees album doing here, and why? Well, truth-seeker, it contains a couple songs co-scribed by Steven Soles (Acapulco Sun and All Alone In The Dark), that's what for and why. You'll know Mr. Soles from his appearances with Bob Dylan, T-Bone Burnett, and the mighty awesome Alpha Band [antecedently FoamFeatured® - Ed.], but you probably weren't aware of this. That's okay - we're here to learn. Shown here in its original, unused sleeve, for swellness.

But we're already ahead of ourselves - skip back with me down the petal-strewn path of memory to Beantown, late 'sixties, where a bunch of hippies form a band called Bear, because the Bosstown Sound is a far-out happening thing! Artie Traum - who was never a hippie - Skip Boone and Darius Davenport (both with the mighty awesome Autosalvage), Eric Kaz (who went on to everything with even a whiff of country rock), and Steve Soles, a'writin' and a-singin'. Something of a FMF© supergroup, wouldn't you say? WAKE UP THERE! And it was produced by Hall O' Foamer™ John Boylan, for added swellness!

Now leave us rush forward past the Monkees album (which I like, so shaddup awready) to 1973, and Jamaica, where Soles records an album as Tidbits (uh ...) with three lazy-ass bums who never did anything else, and a Jamaican backing band including Winston Wright, who did shitloads, but not here. You'd of thunk there'd be a reggae sunsplash vibe, but no, maybe '73 was too early, and we're left wondering why they went to Jamaica to record a bunch of soft rock ditties. And another album with greetings in the title.

The rest, as they say, is history.


  1. Want these albums? Beg like a bitch in the showers at San Quentin. Or just ask nicely, whatever floats your cracker.

  2. Bitch-beg as I might, I imagine the sphincters lack that firm grip a San Quentin inmate would expect and demand, so a kindly plea will have to do, and not before you damn-well feel like it. I'm not even quite sure what I'm asking for, a Monkees album, a bunch of dirty filthy rotten Beantown hippies calling themselves Bear? Rekkin' we'll just have to wait and see what pops up. Thanks in any case.

    1. Think of it as sneaking some albums you don't really want under your coat in the back of a Goodwill store and you'll do okay.


    2. That's the only way I learn anything. Thanks for what I don't think I need, probably change my life for the better.

    3. Everything changes your life for the better.

  3. Thank you very much, sir. As an aficionado of the Bosstown sound, I appreciate the Bear album.

  4. Let me get this straight -- You want me to "beg like a bitch in the showers at San Quentin" for a soft-rock album by a band called "tidbits"?!?

    *bends over*

    1. Here at th' IoF©, we offer the consumer choice: yes, you can grovel in a frenzy of self-abasement, or you can make a polite request. It's this kind of consideration that has made th' Isle™ a
      destination resort for today's lover of sophisticated entertainment. Enjoy your stay - towels are available in the cabana!

  5. Greeting, Children of Paradise!

    Muahahahahahahahaha. If that ain't the spirit of '68, I don't know what is.

    And yeah, I only know Mr. Soles from Dylan's Rolling Thunder tour.

    1. The Alpha Band is the business. Complete story here:

  6. That Jamaica album is strange - the production is really odd.

    Perhaps they just went there for the ganja.

    1. The whole deal is a noggin-scratcher. Bubblegum and novelty angle speculator Artie Kornfeld was on hand, so I blame him. Two Arties are featured in this piece, two albums with Welcome in the title. One's mind simply explodes with synchronous happenstance.

  7. The Alpha Band has been re-upped. The downside is you have to click the above link to get there. Still, nothing easy in life is worth having.
