Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Oh Boy! Win A Swell Prize In This Grand Competition! Dept.

As the last competition got such a wretched wresponse from youse bums - the first one I ever won outright - the bar has been lowered to enable even the meanest intelligence - probably yours, pal - to take part!

Study the above pitcher [above - Ed.], prepared at great cost by the FMF© Department Of Art Department Dept. It's their rendering of the cover to a well-known - although possibly not to you - "Long Playing" LP "pop" record - but UH-OH! Can you spot the mistakes those klutzes made?!?

Simply circle incorrect details with ball-point pen and turn your screen around so I can see it!

There's a Swell Prize for the winner(s), so why not take a couple of minutes break from scratching your balls to join in the fun! Invite th' gang around for an Oh Boy! Win A Swell Prize In This Grand Competition! Dept. party! Set out lines of brown scag, Tupperware© bowl of poppers, and hire a couple of elderly crack whores to pretend to be hot for each other on the mattress in the garage! Again!

Let's do this, people!


  1. Right! I'm going to get this whole ball of fun-wax rolling with this:

    - Man is wearing suede shoes - the mark of a cad!

  2. Hutchings has his pants on backwards. Is that how this is supposed to work?

  3. So what are we doing? I have this record.

  4. If I'm not mistaken, That's Edna and Neil, the parents of Sandy Denny.

    1. Not a deliberate error, then!

      Inneresting analysis here:


    2. Have 'em checked out next time you're at the clinic, Clar!

  5. A Fine Old English NoblemonMarch 8, 2022 at 7:49 AM

    Got it, if memory serves me right the original lp by David Cockerny (Yorkshire version): Mr and Mrs Denny and Percy the cat, Percy was being held by Mr Denny and wasn't on top of the fence. Unfortunately the internet hasn't been invented yet so I can't check it out.

  6. Mad Magazine Dirigible present & accounted for !

  7. Here's one for nothing: brickwork is laid in stretcher bond, rather than the more elegant and appropriate English. Surprised no-one got this ...

    1. The course of bricks laid upright on the top is called a "soldier course".
      If they're laid with the larger faces facing out, it's a "sailor course". Now look at track #4 on the album...spooky, huh?

    2. Also spooky: the wall is half brick (half trellis).

  8. I saw Thompson (2x out of 3x) at the Freight & Salvage last month. New wife Zara sang a duet w/him on "Wall of Death."

  9. Hello, we have the blogs Classic-Rock-Covers.com and ChilloutSounds.blogspot.com. If you want put our links to your Blog List. We already put your blog to our Blog's Blog List. Thank you! :)

  10. I’ve got a complete different album cover of Tiny Tim’s first album!

    1. Your presence here is as a gentle breeze carrying the perfume of the Orient.

  11. Green plastic bins hadn't been invented when the album came out. And the shade of green used clashes terribly with the more attractive English lawn grass.

  12. So far we've had three correct answers:

    Man wearing suede shoes
    Brickwork laid in stretcher bond
    Hutchings' pants on backwards

    Unless someone comes up with another, Hugh Candyside wins this week's Grand Prize!

  13. Cheez Whiz was not marketed in England in 1969, so unless Richard Thompson brought some back from a US tour then that must be a prize winning mistake?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This author was unmoved by the comment.

  14. there is no possible way to concentrate on anything else when doug hennings hair and stash come into view. how can one look away.... or ever forget?

  15. Howdy Doody had 20/20 eyesight.

  16. Who is that body falling in the upper left corner?

  17. A Fine Old English NoblemonMarch 9, 2022 at 2:03 AM

    Without any disrespect to Mrs Denny, she seems to have very masculine legs, stout and hairy?

  18. The Antioch cap clashes dreadfully with the bunnygirl ears. No self-respecting Englishfolk would be seen in public with such headwear.

  19. Mr. Denny was not a Shriner in good standing, and did not earn the sceptered fez. He was once a Mason, but was expelled from the Fellowcraft for half-unbricking.

  20. The judges have finished their long adjudication process, and Hugh Candyside wins. But it's not that simple - this means that everyone else lost, shamefully, by a considerable margin. Another shabby effort from th' 4/5g©, and one that calls into question the continuance of the Quiz O' Th' Week FoamFeaturette©.

    Meanwhile, Hugh gets the Grand Prize of one million tax free dollars (check your account today, Hugh).

    1. I'd like to thank the Foam Foundation, and of course God, for this great honor. Please donate my winnings to the Cody Retirement Coalition.

    2. Thank you. As her legal guardian I will allow her a small monthly stipend to cover bikini wax costs.

  21. HAW HAW HAW!!!!!! I just re-read this piece an' th' comments, and I'm, like, lolling out loud at how funny I was back then!!!!!!! Not so much now, acourse.

    1. Oh for the 'care free' days of March 2022, we were all funnier and better looking in those days. How is the Cody Retirement Coalition Fund millions working out for her after Hugh Candyside donated his winnings?

    2. He probably absconded with Cody, taking their millions with them.
