Saturday, March 5, 2022

Play Some New! Dept. - Musée Mécanique

Relax, girls, they're married!

Wake up, granddad! It's 2008, and the Portland Sound is the happeningest thing since - ooh - the Boston Sound! Portland teens know "where it's at", and the latest local combo to set the charts alight is Musée Mécanique [Fr. - museum mechanic - Ed.]!

All kidding aside, this homely bunch of geeks cut a nice couple of albums back then, but the mood is somnolent, melancholic, and more inclined to get audiences nodding out than dancing in the aisles. Doesn't sound like the kind of thing you might like? Me neither. But I do - there's a strange and very idiosyncratic beauty to it. They weave a tender trap.

And they're that rare thing, a band whose members recorded nothing else after the band split - at least according to discogs. They probably all took corner offices on Wall St., or reverted to particle physics or whatever studies they interrupted for this musical curiosity. Maybe they spontaneously teleported back to 19c. Arkham, whence they were summoned in some arcane ritual. There are some things man was not meant to know.

If you're in the market for something a little different, lock yourself into your study, set your armchair where you get a view of the endless sea under strange constellations, and give these albums - From Shores Of Sleep, and Hold This Ghost - a spin on th' Victrola.


  1. There's an obstacle to overcome before you get your damp, cold claws on these swell LP recordings - you have to ask for them. Then I'll irritatingly embed a Stealth Link© in a comment. I don't make the rules.

  2. The link if you please.

    Will, ASDEF, Studies Dept.

  3. what? I ask. I want. Do I get it? many times I have wandered lost trying to find the mysterious cryptic stealth link, that legendary little seen creature.

  4. Listening to some tracks on YouTube, sounds intriguing!
    This time your stealth link is probably lurking somewhere in the outer reaches of our galaxy... Could you weave your magic wand once more?

  5. In truth there be a link of stealth at a very early place in said commentariums.....I guessing these guys like a fave indiesters of mine Drunk (Jagjaguwar) for their nomenaclature it appears this may be the source..which fits..

  6. Re stealth links...relatively easy to ferret out if you're using a mouse pointer. Much trickier if you're using a touchscreen.

    1. Your browser may have a keyboard shortcut to highlight all the links on that page.

  7. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!..... as my mom used to say to me.

    i pointed all over the place and now i feel pointless. also, when was the time that those frightening figures in the museum were considered jolly fun?

  8. Got it at last, that was a real sneaky one!

  9. It should be easy to see
    The crux of the biscuit..

  10. You so undersold this group I decided I didn't want it. I only got it because I clicked to see if that was really the link. Very sneaky.

  11. i'm not very bright but i can lift heavy things. any more clues as to how to find this bloody stealth link.
    george stargazer vice president of the jane fonda appreciation society.

  12. Interesting, I'm enjoying Musée Mécanique thanks.
    After it had finished The Music Asylum that you posted a couple of years ago popped up on my player, was a nice one to revisit. I see I've played that seven times.
