Friday, March 18, 2022

Gil The Great

If you're as dumb
as what I am, you might of thunk Gil Evans rose from a comfortable upper-middle class background, where his mother held musical salons for a sophisticated circle of friends, under whose patronage the young Gil flourished at Juilliard, soon commissioned by major jazz orchestras to write arrangements. That is, if you thought about Gil at all. His wiki page tells a different story, and rather than copy-paste chunks of it I suggest those of youse lazy-ass bums what share my lamentable ignorance click over here for a humbling story of how talent and skill and hard work and dedication brought success. Don't start me on insta-influencers or whatever the fuck those people are.

His Plays The Music Of Jimi Hendrix ['74, left - Ed.] is well enough known, but a later album, Parabola ['79, above - Ed.] which is a Slight Return Of Plays The Music Of Jimi Hendrix remains undeservedly obscure even here on the internet, generally escaping attention and reviews. The sprawling double [all double albums sprawl, by recording industry law - Ed.] features explorations of Up From The Skies and an epic Stone Free. A shit cover - a goddamn disgrace - couldn't have helped (so I done a new one [above - Ed.]), nor that it was issued on an obscure Italian label.

If you're a fan of late 'seventies Davis [Miles - Ed.] and who isn't - apart from those withered souls who *cough* "don't like jazz" - you'll dig these sides.

Like, solid, Jackson!


  1. Gil has been antecedently FoamFeatured™ - natch, Jackson! But if you are desirous of adding these swell sides to your collection, simply add a comment with a joke - a dumb, corny gag - nothing satirical. We could all use a laff right now.

  2. What is a "Honeymoon Salad" ? Lettuce alone... yuk, yuk

  3. The old cliché of women never being able to get themselves ready in time is frankly nonsense - and there's no point in reminding them every half hour.

  4. A Fine Old English NoblemonMarch 18, 2022 at 8:46 AM

    Man walked into a room with a pronounced limp.

    L.I.M.P. pronounced limp.

    Spike Milligan

  5. I was walking past the funny farm the other day, and all the patients were shouting "13....13....13..."
    The fence was too high to see over, but I saw a little gap in the planks and looked through to see what was going on.
    Some bastard poked me in the eye with a stick.
    Then they all started shouting "14....14....14'..."

  6. A pirate tells his captain, "The cannons be ready to fire, Cap'n."
    To which the captain replies, "Are."

    1. A priest, an imam and a rabbit walk into a bar.

      The rabbit says, "I think I might be a typo."

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "No, no ... be positive," replied the priest.

  7. The gambler calls his tax attorney and they go to see the IRS agent. The IRS agent looks over his paperwork and says,

    “The reason for your audit is that you have a relatively lavish lifestyle, but not much income to justify it, can you tell me what you do for living?”

    Gambler says “I am a professional gambler.”

    “A gambler?” said the IRS agent with slightly puzzled and surprised look on his face.

    “Yes, I make my money betting, would you like a demonstration?”

    “Sure,” said the IRS agent “let’s have a demonstration”

    “I will bet you $1,000 that I can bite my eye” said the gambler.

    “OK, you have a bet” replied IRS agent with a smirk on his face. The gambler pops out his glass eye and bites it. IRS agent is shocked as he did not see that coming, and he did agree to a $1,000 bet in front of the gambler’s attorney.

    “All right, all right, this was not really fair” said the gambler. “I will give you a chance to win your money back. I will bet you another $1,000 that I can bite my other eye.”

    The IRS agent looks over the guys paperwork and see that he is not legally blind and takes the bet. The gambler takes out his dentures and bites his other eye. The IRS agent is now visibly stressed for being on the hook for $2,000.

    “I’ll tell you what. Double or nothing, I will stand on the edge of your desk, close my eyes and piss into the garbage can on the other side of the room without spilling a drop, what do you say?”

    IRS agent is a little perplexed, but does not see how that would be possible and takes the bet. The gambler stands on the agent’s desk, unzip his pants, closes his eyes and pisses all over the agent’s desk.

    “YES!!!” exclaimed the IRS agent knowing he won the bet and does not own the gambler any money.

    “Ahh, shiiiit” said the attorney.

    “What’s the matter?” asked the IRS agent.

    “Well, he bet me $20,000 that he will come to your office today, piss all over your desk, and you would be happy about it.”

    1. When I heard this joke, it took place in a bar. I like the way you tell it much better. It's a victory over the taxman and the lawyer, not just a puddle of urine for the bartender to mop up.

  8. I tried to explain what was there before the big bang but I just didn't have time.

  9. whoever says one person can't change the world never ate a undercooked bat

  10. One of the late, great Barry Cryer's last jokes:

    A man and his wife are out walking one day when they spot a bloke sitting alone at a bus stop on the other side of the road.

    "That looks like the Archbishop of Canterbury over there," says the woman.

    "Go and ask him if he is."

    So the husband crosses the road and asks the man if he is indeed the Archbishop of Canterbury.

    "Fuck off," says the man.

    The husband walks back across the road to his wife. "What did he say?" she asks. "Is he the Archbishop of Canterbury?"

    "He told me to fuck off," says the husband."

    "Oh no," says the wife. "Now we’ll never know."

  11. "He said I gave him crabs!"
    "What does he expect for ten bucks? Lobster?"

  12. Y'know how boats have a combination of letters and numbers on their hulls in order to identify them?

    In Sweden, they use barcodes. It's much easier to Scandinavian.

  13. Replies
    1. What do you call a man with rabbits up his arse?

      (It's still visible on the blogger "dashboard" - no idea where it's gone.)

    2. Same place as that fecking rabbit?

  14. The motto of the French Navy:

    'To the water, it is time."

    Or in French:

    "A l'eau, c'est l'heure..."

    1. I laughed aloud at this one and your Barry Cryer joke!

  15. Sunken Treasure on Out Of The Cool is no joke!!

  16. if memory serves, download links used to be provided

    1. Generally on request, cedric. I'll take your comment as a request.

    2. I knew about the first album, but not the other one. Thank you very much!

    3. i appreciate your clairvoyance. thanks

    4. Thanks -- I have a bunch of Gil but this one escaped my grasp somehow. Can never have too much of this. And if I had thought about Gil's upbringing I would have definitely thought it would have matched your description, not the road of hard knocks.

  17. OK, a smutty one...

    What's green and smells of pork?

    Kermit's finger.

  18. I knew I had this somewhere. Gil Evans live in Germany 1978.

    26 minute version of Little Wing.

  19. Local neighborhood bar with its usual customers, including an older gentleman. A tall old-time Kentuckian walks in and asks for the best 1965 bourbon. Bartender thinks that this guy can't possibly tell the difference in years and pours him a glass of '72. Kentuckian sips and immediately spits it out and says, "Suh, i distinctly asked for 1965 and this is 1972." Bartender is not quite impressed yet and serves him a glass of '81. Kentuckian spits it out and says, "Suh, I most distinctly asked for a glass of '65 and this swill is 1981." Bartender thinks, ok, guy knows his bourbon and pours him a glass of 1965. Kentuckian sips and sighs, "Suh, this is fine 1965 bourbon." Meanwhile, the little old man slips into the bathroom and comes back with a glass of his urine, offering it to the Kentuckian to taste. He sips and spits, "Suh, this isn't bourbon, it is urine!" "I know," replied the old man. "Tell me how old I am."

    --Muzak McMusics

  20. Why did the chicken cross the park?
    To get to the other slide.

  21. Why did the blogger claim that an album recorded and released in Italy was a Japanese release?

    You see one Axis Power, you've seen 'em all.

    1. "The blogger" has had other things on his mind.

    2. Another blogger also has Gil Evans on his mind:

    3. "Originally released on World Pacific Records in 1958, as either a mono or three-track stereo vinyl edition ..."

      I'm up for this!

  22. Man comes into pet store:

    "I'd like to buy a goldfish, please..."
    "Yessir! Would you like an aquarium?"
    "No---I think I would prefer a Capricorn..."
