Saturday, August 29, 2020

TL-DR Dept. - Crab Devil's Acid Test

Long-term I.O.F.© resident Crab Devil takes drugs seriously at his house. He wrote this on one side of the blotter only.

Please respond to one (1) or more of the following topics if you did not (not) pass the previous assignment with a grade of "C" or better:

(A) Ted Nugent -- Who Hurt You?
(B) Sammy Davis Jr. as Mensch, Mouse, or Vice Versa
(C) The Phenomenology of Cardi B Featuring Megan Thee Stallion's "WAP."

Don't be afraid to think outside the box! Remember, your contribution may take any of a number of forms:

- essay?
- meditation?
- blog entry?
- interview/dialogue?
- speech?
- roundtable discussion?
- collage?
- film/play/video/animation/puppet show?
- interpretive dance or other non-verbal performance?
- salad?
- ?

Unless you are in the Unofficial Mentée Cohort, your answer is due right away.

NO PLAGIARISM! I have read, heard, seen, smelled, touched, and tasted just about everything and can absolutely tell when motherfuckers try and "lift" without identifying their sources. Cheaters will, without exception, be disciplined with a grade of "C" on the entire project (total possible points TBA).

Submit your bibliography in keeping with either MLA conventions or something else, taking care to use only a paper clip when affixing payment for the materials fee (see note on web site).


  1. Replies
    1. It's a temporary aberration - normal service resumed soon!

    2. aberration . . . . Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration, aggravation, humiliation, obligation to my nation...Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul... (Ball of confusion)

      Great Googamooga!
      Can't you hear me talking to you?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's polling season!!!

    Vote early & vote often!!!

    [Tick one box, please]

    1. "I'm MAD about it! I jest can't git enough of this vintage pulp art shtuff!!!"

    - OR -

    2. "I'm MAD as heck about it! I'd much rather would see all the old gang, frolicking in the crystal blue Foam Isle waters just off shore from the Farqstream trailer (aka Moe-Bile housing unit) and such like!!!"
