Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Great Pleat War Of '21

An oddity in a catalog of curiosities, The Newer Stuff was (I think) Nesmith's first ever C.D. [Compact Disc - Ed.], released in '89. Nobody seems to get a handle on this one, maybe because Nesmith wasn't exactly sure himself. But leave us entertain ourselves with this Allmusic review, reprinted here in its entirety:

"This compilation of later solo material is often glossy and overreaching but still quite impressive."

Gee whiz. A single sentence that manages to be both meaningless and wrong; even for Allmusic something of a low. The first eight tracks appear for the first time, culled mostly from an earlier video project. They comprise almost an entire new album, slotting nicely between Infinite Rider and Tropical Campfire's, his last studio album of any real worth. The remaining six tracks are remixes of tracks from Radio Engine and Infinite Rider. The point here is ... what is the point here? Unlike the fucked-up remixes of Wichita and Prison, they're perfectly okay, neither better nor worse than the originals, just different. Even interesting. But they're answers to a question absolutely no-one was asking. The real question is, why didn't he write a couple new songs to complete a new album? How hard could that be? From his liner notes:

"I chose these because ...well, just because I did. They certainly aren't the 'greatest hits' because none of them ever really were. They aren't my 'favorites' since I never really think of them that way."

The whole deal is unclear, but The Newer Stuff is swell listenin', whatever its imponderables. As a sentient human being who has mastered the use of the opposing thumb and retains the spleen for sentimental reasons, you need this album, which I will be happy to provide if you launch yourself into the comments with anything that doesn't break the unwritten rules we've fought so long and hard to write.


  1. Don't be shy now! I can see you out there, your beady eyes glinting!

  2. Replies
    1. The shirt is good, too, but he should have been less formal and crisp with the rolled-up sleeves. Dude had style - the cover of Infinite Rider shows a man at ease with his wardrobe.

    2. DISAGREE!! You are both wildly, inconceivably off the mark here. There is no place for pleated pants or skinny belts in this world. Did Kerouac ever wear pleated pants?!?! I doubt it! The shirt would be ok if he didn't use a crisp 2-inch fold; above the elbow no less! Should have been a sloppy 1.5 inch roll just below the elbow. Everything about this is wrong.

    3. With twenty-five-million dollars to spend (there's damn good money in Liquid Paper®), It would appear that Mike was shopping at Brooks Bros., where coincidentally, Kerouac also shopped. Google Jack on "Firing Line" with William F. Buckley Jr.

      James Dean also wore chinos with pleats, from Brook Bros.

    4. Pleats are gentlemanly, providing comfort and utility with a touch of elegance. They allow a correct fit, too, something that flat-front pants rarely do. That's why pockets on jeans are useless, both front and back. No capacity, unless you opt for a baggy size. And the "watch pocket"? Never used it for anything. The problem with slacks and pleated pants is they look flappy on the leg (a *crease*, ffs?), and a cuff is dumb. This is where jeans win - they can fit and look good all the way down, and the color wear adds interest and shape. I think that's all I have to say on the matter for now.

    5. Pleats are dumb -- end of discussion! And I'm trying hard to break the rule about not breaking rules but that doesn't make me wrong.

  3. I'm with MrDave. I HATE pleated pants.

    1. Guys! Guys! Why are we fighting? Can we not live in peace with the Pleat? Can we not allow it to co-exist equally with other tailoring details?

    2. No way! This means WAR!!!

    3. I agree with Psychfan. This is non-negotiable!

    4. We need to put this to arbitration. Who wears the pants round here?


    5. Farquhar is pleating with you, to stop fighting!

  4. Gosh darn it, he employed the nuclear option. I'll retreat back under my rock meekly now.
    You're on your own MrDave. Good luck!

  5. Dang! I always miss out on the pleat fights!

    1. They've just started. Time to step up and be counted - are you pro- or anti-pleat?

    2. I think both sides here are wrong. I don't wear pants, pleats or no. I hang around the house in my underwear & if I have to go out, my trenchcoat does the trick. Pants, phooey.

    3. They don't call him Nathan Nothin' for nothin'

    4. At least, he's not going "Full Donald Duck"

    5. I might, but my beak's kinda short.

  6. Begun the Clone War has



    1. If you're taking your fashion advice from a Pig, that explains a lot!! Only Pigs, sellouts, wash-outs and has-beens wear pleated pants (looking at you Jack). Plain front pants or no pants!

    2. I should add that tucking your t-shirt in to your pants is almost as bad. Don't be a "Tucker"!

    3. Or, as Prince would sing "You sexy mothertuckers..."

      I'm a tucker when I'm at work, because...well...better a tucker than an unwilling exhibitionist. I'm not gonna expose my soft white, not to mention hairy underbelly to a class full of students while I reach up to get the overhead projector running...

      So, Friar Tuck it is, then...

    4. It's a little known fact that Friar Tuck and Robin Hood opened a Flower shop. It was called the Sherwood Florist

  9. now i will become an inward pleat snob.
    making fun of outward pleatists.
    this gives me a new and fairly unique reason to look down on others.

    1. This just in - The Front-Facing Peoples' Pleatist Front has split from the Pants Pleatist Party, claiming back-facing Pleatists have no vision for the future.

    2. They'll be first up against the wall, when the sweet taste of victory is ours!

  10. By the way, I like that you're serious Farq. From now on it's all Nes all the time until some lazy bum screeds away...

    1. Luckily Bambi has stepped up to the plate with some hot fresh screed, with more from Babs promised, so the Neverending Nes has for the moment been avoided. But the threat is always there.

      Does nobody need this album? It's good.

    2. Yes please stated the Bacon PB Muffin Man from Northwest Vermont USA...

    3. Sunset Sam Bacon MuffinOctober 23, 2021 at 9:34 AM

      Thankz Mr. T the 3rd...

    4. It's an unusually light-hearted album. Good-spirited songs, with dumb-smart lyrics. The dreaded synth presets are making inroads, but they don't spoil the fun. I GOT FIVE MILLION TAHITI CONDOS!

  11. It's all a matter of how much stitching costs. In other words: income pleat.

    1. I got a new pair of yoga pants that were too long.

      I considered taking them to a tailor to get shortened, but I think doing it myself was the more earnest hemming way.

    2. That reminds me, I was makin' love to this one dame and I see her toes crimpin' up. I sez "too much pleasure baby?" an' she sez "I forgot to take me panty hose off".

    3. Panty hose burn can be nasty.
      * Run cold water over your schwanzschtücker for a good 15 minutes.
      * Apply antibiotic ointment after giving your schwanzschtücker a thorough cleaning.
      * Apply a loose bandage or gauze around your schwanzschtücker to protect the injury.
      Since panty hose burn is a first-degree burn and only damages the outer layer of your schwanzschtücker, it usually heals with no further complications.

      Hope this helps.

    4. Babs, I'm having that engraved on my titanium knee.

    5. A wise decision, Mr. Pune

  12. OK - what have I missed after my excursion into French knee surgery?


    1. It's an issue whose time has come, and I think must be relevant to you - the pleated trew is more accommodating to the flexation of the knee joint. Ask your doctor - he may well recommend a four-pleat during convalescence.

    2. You'll be mobile sooner than you think, Steve.

    3. Don't listen to 3-Sticks, Steve; Never sacrifice your street cred for comfort! If you can't squeeze into your bootcut button-fly skinny jeans, better to follow Nate's lead and lounge around in your skivvies, or go "Full Donald Duck" as Babs so eloquently put it, than look like a Wall Street "Brooks Bro." Or if your gonna completely give up on your hipster cred, you might as well just wear sweat pants all day like me (but not the kind with the elastic around the ankles -- better to end it all before that).

    4. Get well soon, Steve.

    5. Only Steve has to get surgery for "French knee." Snob.

  13. surprising # [hundreds] of songs inspired by Kerouac & Cassady

  14. Asked earlier my stance: I (GASP) have worn pants with pleats and without pleats! A heretic of the highest standing.

    1. I generally cut the pleats out of my pants, turning them into airflow vents.

    2. Does this make iamjethro, bislacksual?

    3. I am loving Babs' puns (especially "earnest hemming way"), while also gleaning valuable fashion tips from FT3, OBG, and the irascible MrDave.

  15. This is better than the "Better Butter Battle" but our butts are better battened by flattened than platted breeches. The pro-pleated need to concede that they are indeed defeated.

  16. Is there a link to the music coming, or do you plan to heat up the pleats topic until doomsday?

    1. It's up there in the OBG comment thread from October 21, 2021 at 11:00 PM ^
      I realized it's against policy to make things too easy for the bums around here

    2. Yes, it's really well hidden in a comment that says HERE'S THE LINK, followed by THE LINK.

    3. Terrific hideaway, I would never have found it by myself. Anyway, since they don't call me the seeker, know what I usually do: I search in the HTML source code for "workupload" .............. THAT is EASY !!! ;-)
      And thank you for the music of course.

  17. I thought it was a fashion spread for St.Michael..same font...maybe he was sponsored and those threads are M&S finest....maybe the reference will be lost on those nations not aware of M&S in the same way? We are all victims of our past :-)
