Sunday, January 10, 2021

Something For Sunday Dept. - Cody's Choice!

Older readers - private joke advisory - will have fond memories of Cody [left - Ed.], C.E.N. [Chief Executive Nailtician - Ed.] at th' Vegas House O'Foam©. She's been busy building a three-quarter-size replica of the Bradbury Building out of Q-Tips, but she interrupts her labors to host this week's Something For Sunday featurette! Take it away, Cody! 

"Today is a very special day, so I've chosen some very special music by a very special artist, Mr. Andy Gibb! Did you know he was one of the A's in top Norwegian pop group the ABBAs? I've learned so much here on Fabulous False Mammary Foam Island©!" 

So - whether your Sabbath be spent fashioning a pipe rack from that old narwhal tusk, restocking the den drinks globe with costly vintage beverages, or simply getting blown by a dwarf under the bar at Dinky Dave's Dwarf World™, Cody's choice of listening will make it all so much more relaxing! Happy listening!


  1. The Allmusic review - written by A. Girl - ends with this: "Laugh if you must, dismiss if you're so inclined, but no matter what anyone may argue, it cannot be disputed that Andy Gibb realized many of his aspirations across this LP." Gee whiz!

    So - today's Hot Topic - Disco: Does It Suck Or Blow?

  2. "Disco blow me!" ... Is that not the sentiment once (or more?) overheard poolside as our gal Ms. C. climbeded up n' outta de watta...?

    (I know, I know, skeevy olde perv alert...)

  3. Everyone here at Nadblaster's Bar and Grill, in Tahoe, says it blows.

  4. UPDATE: Farq’s injury a few weeks ago (involving the Swiffer and the Speedo) still requires him to wear a rather uncomfortable poultice made of a warm galam plee pad nam pla mixture. Kreme applies it strategically to his tender nether region, and reports that he looks swell. [Ed. - swollen.]

    1. Public broadcasting of intimate information may be the way you do things up in Vancouver, but here on the Isle O'Foam©, sir, we look askance at the practice. Yessirree Bob.

  5. Disco blow?!? Yeah, I snorted a few lines of it....... oh wait, does disco blow? Ah, well, why yes!!!
    "simply getting blown by a dwarf under the bar at Dinky Dave's Dwarf World™" -wait, was that wrong?!? I must have missed the memo.

    1. Only wrong if you weren't listening to any of the Gibb brothers at the time. The Brothers Gibb often seduce young and old men alike into acts that would otherwise be unthinkable; I shudder to think what acts of debauchery may be committed under the spell of Barry's new Country album!

    2. "how deep is your love...." with a dwarf, not very.

  6. The music for the most part sucked, but the party was pretty good though.

    Pre-AIDs era with weapons grade blow and RORER 714s.

    Poor old Andy. On the "plus side" he did Victoria six ways from Sunday.

    So it goes, Kids

  7. I once built a 3/4 size replica of the Taj Mahal out of pats of oleomargarine I took from the International House of Pancakes.

    1. I once built a 3/4 size replica of the International House of Pancakes out of pats of oleomargarine I took from the Taj Mahal.

  8. I grudgingly admit this is pretty professional stuff. This kind of stuff is best left to the professionals.
