Thursday, January 14, 2021

Bob Ross Masterpiece Unveiled!

Artist-in-residence Bob Ross is shown here putting the final touches to his masterpiece, a full-color Art Painting to be on permanent display behind the bar at the Isle O' Foam© Tiki Hut & Business Center.

"Farq allowed me complete artistic freedom," Bob said yesterday from his studio high atop Mysterious Skull Rock, "so I tried to include as many of the wild and wacky residents as possible! That's Farq at right, of course, and a couple of freelance Marine Biologists in the center of the composition. The island Foamunculus© took the form of Howdy Doody for his sitting, and I managed to squeeze in the Ghost of Myra Nussbaum as a happy little detail there!"

How many arcane cultural signifiers can you spot, readers?



  1. Cant make out what your Bob Ross portrait is holding but I’m guessin it could be the remains of a burnt weeny sandwich. Also kinda spooky the way Bob’s genius makes your eyes seem to follow me around the internet, luring me back to the Island when I got big other important stuff I should be doin.

  2. Myra! Its still too painful.....

    1. Wonder if she has an identical twin? That would be a Jessica Fletcher-quality plot twist ...

    2. Hmm, is this foreshadowing or foreplay?

  3. dozen-15 given or take the brown acid

    1. sigh....give or take....given or taken...w/e

  4. Cheeze Whiz, drinkin' boid, Monkees pin, Playboy bunny ears, the MAD dirigibobble, Cheshire cat, Howdy Doody... I question HD's taste in root beer: A&W is drinkable, but Barq's has bite! And hey, who put the SARS in sarsparilla?

    Like Delta Del, I can't make out what Farq is holding (mebbe the head of a cane?), but it does look Priapic.

    1. ... It looks Priapic, weathered and well-polished.

    2. It is the Mystic Stick Shift, allowing instant and simultaneous dimensional shifts through time and space (which, on th' I.O.F.©, are identical).

    3. Barq's, none better (other than a Big Shot pineapple cold drink with a moonpie).

    4. Barq's is, indeed, finest kind, but Ima say Abita.

  5. X-ray specs on Howdy Doody, a globe liquor cabinet, Drinking Bird, Monkees pin, The Cheshire Cat (Kingdom Hearts version), Cheeze Whiz, the Mad Zeppelin, A&W root beer and bunny ears.

    1. JK Cat got more than I did, but I might have been distracted by the marine biologists and their swirling chemtrails.

      I think that Cheshire Cat design dates back to Disney's Alice In Wonderland (1951). And who is the tragic figure falling from the sky?

    2. The figure falling from the sky is Gary Wilder, the protagonist of Helium, making a soft landing on th' Isle O' Foam©.

    3. Ah! I haven't read Helium yet. I did read God Box over the holidays, and enjoyed it from beginning to end.

  6. I think all the critical elements of culture schlock have now been name checked. I simply want to commend you Farq, (and Bob) on yet another fabulous assembly in service of foamy culture.

    1. All the details are saturated in mystical profundity and significance. F'rinstance - the Foamunculus (homunculus) is a cultural archetype - remember Love Island? Howdy Doody has no strings - the "real boy" given special powers (X-ray vision). The drinks globe represents the view of the earth as a convenient store of indulgence, here holding nothing more than root beer.

    2. I remember when I first realized that the guy who was in the x-ray glasses ad in the comics was Joe Paterno.

  7. Myra, Myra, Myra, oh the humanity.
    And she reappears the day Siegfried dies. There may be a link!
    Oh the humanity.

    1. Oh, Myra minded mama
      Til one day in Singapore
      A tiger man from Turkestan
      Came knockin at the door...

  8. As I came a bit late to the game,boy... Whatelseisgnu...

    Is it just me (inhaling too many diesel fumes here in the truck stop parking lot adjacent to the marina where this happenin party's goin on), or are there 3 swirly things there?

    Or more?

    And if they are NOT just a fig newton of my imagination, what do they "signify"?

    First one, to tip off the picture-puzzle types:

    Up above, on the Cap'n's perch / bridge area...

    I see TWO other whirly swirlie thingies...

    (HINT: Girlie)

    Wormholes to an alternate dee-mention...?


    Perspiring minds want to know!

  9. Whoopsie. FOUR! I found another, just to keep you ABREAST of the sittchyashun...

  10. Said "swirly things" are what we in the trade call "watermarks." In this case Dreamstime's watermarks. Their presence indicates that Farq didn't pay for reproduction rights to the photo, and what's worse, was to lazy to photoshop them off, as the rest of us take the time to do.

    1. I hain't gots no Photy-shop! I flipped the photograph and blurred the watermarks, and added stuff in Preview.

    2. So much for the "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" thing.

      Sometimes if you find out what all it is what GOES IN TO a GREAT, BIG, JUICY, SUPER TASTY hammerger, you never want to bite into one again...


  11. Is it just me or does Bob have a strange facial similarity to Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, ratfinks?
