Monday, December 30, 2019

Seven And Seven Is ...

Th' Elevators! Carve dere name wit' pride! An' what better way of celebratin' th' noo year dan countin' down dese swell songs wit' dat broad in yer lap, a drink in yer mitt, an' a tear in yer eye? Why - dere ain't none, you sap!

These are the original mono mixes of both sides of all their singles for United Artists, originally issued in a shitty-looking made-in-China "limited edition" from Charly (*shudder*). Here adorned in sumptuous art what I painted meself on velvet cut from me own loon pants.


  1. Snivel, whine, paw the sawdust floor in my cage.......

  2. Welcome back Farquhar and happy new year if you are into that sort of thing. I rambled some of the interviews and stuff while you were away. Great stuff. I'm glad I could post bail for you. Removed comment due to typo.

    1. There's always a barstool with your name on it at False Memory Foam©, FGW.

      (Thanks for the bail - twenty bucks is a stretch for me right now).

  3. Thank you very much for this wonderful gift! Have a Funtastic Year!

  4. Ahhhhhh Yes.......Texas' first (if not only) Lysergic Jug Band.....So shocking that Roky spent years in a mental institution while Cher walks free.....

  5. I don't like to play the head teacher, but before Charlie Chaplin begins to rotate in his grave (as we say over here) .................. nobody but me has discovered the mistake ("small" but effective) in your description ??? Well, at least you now know, that your posts become actually read. ;-)

  6. A new Year of foamy happiness my fine feathered? friend!

  7. It's wonderful to see the lights have again been illuminated in the Foam manse, just in time to celebrate the coming light of a new year.

  8. and a happy new year

  9. Happy New Year -- and thanks for not only your, how to say, tasteful offerings but also your well-calibrated facetiousness of 2019.

  10. how did i miss this. please to re-up, friend,
