Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ambientertain Yourself

Antecedently, ambient music has been buzzkill at Th' House O'Foam©, getting pageviews in the minus numbers, which shouldn't theoretically be possible. But that's what you're getting today, except it ain't really ambient. That's the closest I can get as a label. It's thoughtful, calm, harmonious, wordless music. Sometimes a little ethereal, spooky. British dude David Firth is, apparently, as much filmmaker as musician, and there's that soundtrack feel to many of these fifteen tracks he recorded as Locust Toybox.

I wouldn't call Drownscapes pure ambient because there's too much going on for it to be relegated to aural wallpaper. There's enough development and dynamics to repay quiet attention - each "song" has its own mood and - *ulp* - narrative. Some of it is indescribably lovely - if I had any acid this would make brilliant rabbit-hole accompaniment.

Caution: air guitar inappropriate.


  1. Wow, I'm just now noticing all the honors that have been bestowed on you including the highly coveted BRONZE Girl Scout Award. WELL DONE and much deserved!!! KUDOS!

  2. This music is making the other dental patients have enduring genital pain and irritation. Thanks!!!! Loving it.

  3. Good stuff. I detected a kind of baroque sensibility that put me in mind of that 17th Century longhair Henry Purcell.

    Are you familiar with Annihilation - the Netflix movie? I highly recommend the film, and the ambient soundtrack that goes with it.

    1. I've got all Henry Purcell's albums.

      Annihilation sounds like my cup of meat - I'll give it a screening in th' House O' Foam© private cinema. Last thing I viewed was The Irishman, which IS SO GREAT THE CAPSLOCK AUTOMATICALLY KICKS IN.
