Monday, April 15, 2019

None More Hot

Frank's timeless masterpiece was, of course, recorded pre-CD [compact disc - Ed.], and had to restrict its length to album sides. There was more material recorded during the Hot Rats sessions, but not enough to fill a double disc, so Frank [Zappa - Ed.] made the necessary editorial decisions and left some fine, fine music wriggling like baby snakes on the cutting-room floor.

What we have here, dear friends, is an assemblage of the available music from those sessions, artfully programmed to deliver the quality experience today's hi-fi enthusiasts demand. One hour and change crammed with the modern jazz-rock stylings for which Mr Zappa [Frank - Ed.] became the audio entertainer of choice for the smarter consumer.  Be it patio barbeque, poolside brunch, cocktails when unexpected guests drop by, or simply getting blown by a toothless crack-whore in the back of the family Camry, you'll find Hotter Rats the ideal musical accompaniment!

Supplied at no extra cost is a lysergically over-heated cover [shown left - Ed.], ideal for framing or cat litter. This, dear friends, is the kind of content you have come to expect from False Memory Foam©, the blog at the fractal fringe of the fun zone! Remember to tell all your friend about this swell blog! Hoo boy!


  1. Mr Zchivago, it is made all the sweller by your esteemed presence. I'd upload the album, but as it's not made by a bunch of snotfaced chancers from a grim Midlands town blowing their benefit money on pressing up thirty-five copies of a single only you bought, you probably wouldn't like it.

    But please do help yourself to the Twiglets, and leave the blog as you'd wish to find it.

    1. You cheeky young monkey.....I'll have you know I have a rather eclectic rainbow of tastes,that do indeed include the mothers of invention.Including such music on my blog would rather go against the narrow remit i have restricted myself to.
      So please upload the album, and more bar snacks plz.

    2. Look for the cunningly disguised text below!

  2. You Sir are off the chain. Please stay that way.
