Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hallmark Psychedelia

It's maybe fair to label these guys Hallmark Psychedelia. On the first ten tracks of this probably-complete-works collection their barbershop roots show all too clearly, veering a little too far into the comfort zone for comfort. But something happened between recording that first album [Sing Valley Of The Dolls - Ed.] and their second [Featuring ... - Ed.], which rounds out this sumptuous pop-psych package. That something was either dropping acid (unlikely, given the Mormon Tabernacle insurance salesman look) or a contact high from the pizza guy. They don't jettison the gorgeous harmonies or the lush production or the cover-version æsthetic (hey! Slate readers! æsthetic!), but the adaptations are startling and wholly successful. The detailed production, haunting and very slightly weird vibe (man) make the album something of an underrated classic psych-pop iconic classic album album. And a sugar rush that'll get you hooked like a fish.
Hi! I'm Cody!

It tanked, of course, although their stunning chamber-pop version of The Letter was a minor stateside hit. They all went into advertising and made several shitloads of easy money singing soap-powder jingles. I hope they micro-managed their self-loathing, anyway.

I snagged the songs from the fabulous Pop On The Run blog (to whom, my undying thanks for turning me on to this and other treasures), where they were presented separately, half in an irritating file format, and with their original and wretched sleeves. Date Records obviously left their sleeve design to Some Guy Or His Brother down at the print shop. It is my fervent desire that I will one day travel back in time and submit this new artwork to the label. In the mean time, it's included absolutely free in this small package of value. Because, as The Arbors aver, Love Is A Groovy Game.


  1. A note: if my filehost of choice is giving you butthurt, try a VPN, or Opera. As a last resort, let me know!

    God! This is a tasty little sucker!

  2. This looks interesting to me.....can you do some Sunshine Pop posts please. With Hal Blaine on the skins,syrupy melodies and lashings of fake psych to boot? Failing that some 'God Psych', the Light Label being fertile ground for funky-assed christians.

    1. Beaucoup of Sunshine Pop in the stacking system, ooh yes.

    2. Be careful how you say 'Beaucoup' can be misconstrued to be 'Beau Cul',which means Beautiful Arse/Ass.

  3. And once again I have to apologise for the antics of my internette, Cody. A stern reprimand is in order, and the offending image will be removed as soon as she shows me how.

  4. I thought it was your sister...
    Interesting girl.


  5. Cody is Senior Internette at FalseMemoryFoam©, in charge of growing international markets, our Cultural Outreach program, and coffee. She says hi.
