Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Skydog Soul Dept.

Sleeve: IoF© Art Department Of Art Dept.

There's no shortage of Duane Allman compilations out there, but this is a little different for what it omits; none of the (over)familiar cuts from Clapton, Scaggs, Delaney & Bonnie, no Allmans or contiguous lineups. And although it's called Skydog Soul, there's enough blues happening here to blur the lines. Forty Skydog minutes to fly by!











Thanks to  D. in California for starting this ball of wax rolling!



  1. Something about blowing?

  2. Replies
    1. It's an original illustration, either gouache or watercolor, from a photograph, which I then laboriously tinted and tweaked to give the effect of a genuine AI creation.

  3. Y'all. Lauren Bacall. Damn, fam. I was 13 when I saw "To Have & Have Not" and I was in luv, L-U-V.

  4. I'm all atwitter with lips pursed. Keen cover art, Farq; did you run Duane through some high-tech aging filter?

  5. For me, brevity has become of paramount importance - as vital, indeed, as the eschewal of obfuscation - and it is in this spirit that I offer deez nuts.


    Siriusly, youse bums, this swell cratorial initiative (feat. some tracks D In California didn't have) will not sit on the shelf. You'll get through it, or at least half of it, with your attention span undamaged. Fie on box sets, I sez! Fie on "hi fi"!

  6. "To Have And Have Not" has more quotable lines than "Spinal Tap", almost. "Excuse me, your husband's showing." It's this kind of sharp, snappy writing for movies that's truly a lost art (along with lighting, and sound recording, and ...). Just because we're spiraling ever deeper into Cultural Recursion© (it's what th' IoF© is built on! Ax me for details!) doesn't mean we can't go back a very few years to enjoy the genius of an art in its prime. Klassikle Muzic geeks think nothing of traveling back in time, jazzbeaux hipsters also. For some reason the cult of the new holds sway in (what passes for) pop and movies. We don't have much time left, and it's pointless to starve yourself at the chicken nugget automat of contemporary culture when you can feast a few blocks away.

  7. lauren bacall said imagination is the highest kite that can fly and it's flying high tonight

    1. “Each time I was in love — this was it. The hunger to belong. Imagination is the highest kite that can fly. When you have nothing but dreams, that’s all you think about, all that matters, all that takes you away from humdrummery. … Dreams were better — that was where my hope lay — I’d hang on to them, never let go. They were my own.”

  8. Phantom Of The Rock OperaMarch 12, 2025 at 10:08 AM

    For those who have not experienced it's delights recently. Showing At The the Pleasure Dome for one night only. THOOHN


    1. POTRO adding content value with this timely deliverable! On behalf of the skeevy grifters out there, I thank you.

    2. You guys are spoiling us, a film I don’t think I’ve ever seen, and a slab of Skydog too. Thank you, we are not worthy.

    3. The thing about the Duane comp that distinguishes it from all the others is it plays like an album, looks like an album, and if you pressed it up on vinyl would smell like one, too. I'm pretty sure we all have the bulk of tracks he recorded as part of a band, and the famous sessions for Boz n' Eric, but this gathers up the tracks I for one don't have elsewhere. I am to be congratulated on taking a typically original and refreshing approach to a tired old marketing format.
