Sunday, March 23, 2025

Kandy Klickbait's Favorite Lemon Twigs Album Isn't Really A Lemon Twigs Album! Dept.

Foam-O-Graph© features new 3D imaging technology! Note how album, hand "floats" over background!

Please welcome Kandy Klickbait, th' Isle O' Foam©'s new Pop Outreach Executive! Kandy will be presenting carefully curated new releases with you, the pop music enthusiast, in mind! Here's Kandy to get this whole krazy ball o' wax rock n' rollin'!

KK: Hey, fam! Wassup! Heyyy! Today I'll be rapping about the latest drop from Brian D'Addario, who you'll know from that sick power-pop band The Lemon Twigs! So let's get into that right now! Remember to hit that like button down there and follow me for more fire drops! So without further ado I'm going to get right into this ill new album from Brian D'Addario who is as I'm sure you guys know is like one half of The Lemon Twigs right they're like brothers? Which is really cool! And this new album which we're going to listen to right now is by one of the brothers but the other one kind of features too so it's like a Lemon Twigs album who I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys is a fire pop band tha-

FT3: You're fired. 



  1. It's a nice album, sounding exactly like an album made by one half of The Lemon Twigs, in the sense that there's a sense of something missing. Maybe the other half of The Lemon Twigs? But there's some gawjuss chord changes, really pretty sophisticated (he clearly digs Bach), nice chewns and sometimes that's enough for a couple of plays before you get stuck back into Cornelius Cardew.

    Here's the link, this here is the link, the link is here:

  2. we don't have to work for the link? IDEK....

    1. Hah! Joke's on you! That's a link to the Cornelius Cardew Workers' Revolutionary Choir!

    2. revolutionary choirs are my favorite choirs

  3. Firing KK was the best decision you probably ever made!

    1. First Cody disappears, Rholonne hasn’t been seen for months, Hortense I’d almost forgotten about, is there not a HR department on Th' Isle O'Foam? No, hire and fire, I hope KK has a good union rep.

  4. Kandy is now CEO of allmusic's "mood indicator" department. She's currently involved in flagging Sabrina Carpenter's catalog.

  5. Goddess knows somebody needs to....
