Sunday, March 2, 2025

Angelyne Introduces Dept. - Bread, Love, And Dreams

 Copyright Foam-O-Graph© "Tastin' good, like good taste should!"™

Sudge was the enthusiasm engendered by the Bread Love & Dreams piece [page views nudging into double figures, Boss! - Ed.] it behooves us to build on the momentum with this timely and provocative op-ed piece featuring three more swell albums by Bread, Love, and Dreams! Which we axed famed talent vacuum Angelyne© [above - Ed.] to clickbait the elderly glamor enthusiasts over at Ryp's twilightzone blog!

Angelyne® and me lounged poolside whilst Kreemé [left, and eighteen my ass - Ed.] served her signature prison drain water and iguana eyeball smoothies!

FT3 Angelyne™ baby! Lookin' hotter than Mexican pavement pizza!

Likewise I'm sure, Farq! Uh - why am I here, again?

FT3 Which you pretend to brung three albums, for th' Three or Four Guys© to fight over!

And I get like what outta this stupid mess?

FT3 (gestures expansively) Publicity, baby! Why, th' Isle© gets, like, zillions of visits!

Hmm. You said like, three or four? Just now? Ya think I'm stoopid or somethin'? 

FT3 (thinking fast) Three or four zillion baby!

Well, that's okay, then. (spits gum into pool) Whom does a gal gots to blow?

(tape runs out at this point) 


This post sponsored in part by Chuck's Chicken Charm Farm©, FLA "Try our Sunday Special™!"



  1. Even the most swivel-eyed acid folk obsessives think that Bread Love and Dreams* only made three albums! You'll have to go to all the trouble of finding clicking the StealthLink© to find out how wrong they are! If you trip over the link, leave a clew as to its location so that others may profit from your perspicacity!

    *"The sandwich not even Subway makes" - yes, I made this joke before but SO WHAT. Youse bums is gettin' this swell content for NUTHIN'!

    1. Okay, the link's up. I just put it up, so if you've spent your entire day searching for it, then I humbly apologise. I forgot. Been doin' a buncha stuff today. Clew: it's in the piece, not the comments.

  2. I feel like these last two posts make for a loverly tribute to David Johansen and the Dolls, of whom there are now approximately none left.

    1. Ah yes. The New York Dolls - The Archies of punk, without the personality. Or the hits. But - credit where it's due! - they were outrageous, if you had nothing else to be outraged about, and fun, if you had none and didn't know what it was. "It's a New York Thing."

    2. hahaha...nice line and fair enough. ..but Johnny Thunders playing "Pipeline" was awright
