Mission Statement: to do very little, for very few, for not very long. Disappointing the easily pleased since 1819. Not as good as it used to be from Day One. History is Bunk - PT Barnum. Artificially Intelligent before it was fashionable. Fat camp for the mind! Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost. The Shock of the Old! Often bettered, never imitated.
I see someone has been listening to "31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM: Munich From Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery" while reading Popular Mechanics again...last time something like that happened the Miss' and I had to go over to Ballard, Utah and clear out a bunch of dog frying orbs. Hoo boy, that was a time.
Older readers will remember Billy Gates from "Billy's Banjo", the shortlived ABC TV series pulled from the network after the flood of telephone complaints during the infamous "Billy Gets Trepanned" episode. Mr. Gates later founded the American Amarillo Armadillo Dildo Armory with funding diverted from the Pentagon's Flying Saucer Carwash fund. Today he lives in the chimney at MrDave's Fishhead Incinerator at lovely Pismo Beach. "Ain't so bad since it went out of business!" he laughs. Mr. Gates is fifteen.
Incidentally, I tried to grab 31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM: Munich From Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery from YewChewb for the 30 mins. Avant Garde thing, but it wouldn't download. Yet.
I can see this could be useful in museums and art galleries, but more problematic if we have to opt out of receiving advertising or other information as we walk down the street - aural billboards “Wanna make a fortune with our all new celebrity endorsed bitcoins!?”.
Reminds me of the individually-tailored floating adverts projected at Tom Cruise's character in 'Minority Report' everywhere he walked within enclosed public space.
Hope they apply it to reggaeton so it can go straight to the apes without my having to listen to the damn thing.
futurism, futurists, accelerationists...slippery slope stuff...ooops, too late
ReplyDeleteHere on th' IoF© we preach Pastism to Pastits.
DeleteHowdy pardner,
ReplyDeleteI see someone has been listening to "31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM: Munich From Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery" while reading Popular Mechanics again...last time something like that happened the Miss' and I had to go over to Ballard, Utah and clear out a bunch of dog frying orbs. Hoo boy, that was a time.
As always,
Billy Gates of the Double X Ranch.
Older readers will remember Billy Gates from "Billy's Banjo", the shortlived ABC TV series pulled from the network after the flood of telephone complaints during the infamous "Billy Gets Trepanned" episode. Mr. Gates later founded the American Amarillo Armadillo Dildo Armory with funding diverted from the Pentagon's Flying Saucer Carwash fund. Today he lives in the chimney at MrDave's Fishhead Incinerator at lovely Pismo Beach. "Ain't so bad since it went out of business!" he laughs. Mr. Gates is fifteen.
DeleteIncidentally, I tried to grab 31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM: Munich From Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery from YewChewb for the 30 mins. Avant Garde thing, but it wouldn't download. Yet.
DeleteI can see this could be useful in museums and art galleries, but more problematic if we have to opt out of receiving advertising or other information as we walk down the street - aural billboards “Wanna make a fortune with our all new celebrity endorsed bitcoins!?”.
ReplyDeleteHooray, we're saved!!
ReplyDeleteFrom God-knows-what.
Reminds me of the individually-tailored floating adverts projected at Tom Cruise's character in 'Minority Report' everywhere he walked within enclosed public space.
Sod that.
Sod that, and amen.