Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Veronica Lake's "This Just In" Dept.

"Hi! Moviedom's sultry siren Veronica Lake here with all the latest news from th' Fabulous Isle O'Foam©! Beep-beep-bip-beep this just in - anonymous comments are turned back on! In this stunning development, all you John Does out there without a Goggle account can now join in the fun! If you make one, feel free to use a nick-name in the comment, make it personal! I like that! Uh - in other news - there isn't any! Be seeing you, sailor!"


  1. Hi Sailor -
    Ship ahoy!

  2. Thanks Veronica. I'm glad that you were able to talk some sense into Farq.

    1. It started out open to anybody, but one of the anybodies turned into a nuisance, so the curfew was imposed. The Four Or Five Guys© are a good bunch, and we don't need any rules here if we agree to stick by 'em!

    2. This place seems to be a lovely haven from the sad and ugly comments often posted by Anonymous. Another site I sometimes visit is being attacked by Anon, who seems to have no sense of humour or intellect - please don't slag me off Mr or Mrs Anonymous. I wonder if women can be bothered to attack people online?

  3. Thanks for re-opening comments to non-googlers. And thanks for all the items I downloaded when I couldn't thank you for them.

    As it happens, Veronica Lake was my first female alter ego, decades before the internet.

  4. Stick it up your bum!


    1. Mr Dave, currently out on parole, makes the most of the new anonymous posting feature. Welcome back!

  5. To Anonymous donor of Gosdin collection - thank you! I have deleted your link as I want to feature it later.
