Saturday, October 17, 2020

Soft White Underbelly Of Love Dept.

For youse bums what don't dig th' Blue Öyster Cult, this may be your gateway drug. Forget - if you knew - that the Stalk-Forrest Group evolved from The Soft White Underbelly and into BÖC. Forget everything, in fact - it'll help. That's why we're here, on Fabulous False Memory Foam© Island - remember?

For fans of 'sixties psychedelic rock, which is you, this album presses all the right buttons. Hoo boy! For starters, ixnay on growly hard rock covalsay. Don't be scared! These vox is super-swell! For seconds, songs, out th' ass. More hooks than a butcher's truck. For thirds, weirdness: FX, batshit-crazy lyrics. Acid Garcia guitar. And - no, really - country rock.

Only two things working against this album, to whit - non-release at the time. What th' creeping fuck were Elektra doing? And later, on belated release, being dismissed as nascent BÖC lite. On th' Isle O' Foam, this was released at the tail end of the 'sixties and clasped to the Love Generation's skinny bosom like th' Eye Of Agamotto. Like, digsville.


  1. This is the 18-track version. To add this potent weaponry to your Arsenal Of Rock, simply share with th' Four Or Five Guys© what you're wearing.

  2. My Flying Burrito Brothers T-shirt (and other things too.....)

  3. A bin bag. But I'm wearing it ironically.

  4. Former employer insignia'd long sleeve t-shirt over my soft, white underbelly.

  5. A dark blue pocket t-shirt and a pair of
    (grey tartan) boxer shorts. Also flip flops.
    It is, after all, the weekend.

  6. A t-shirt that say "This is the only shirt I had with no c*m on it"

  7. Thank you for these sartorial updates! It's swell to see we maintain gentlemanly standards of formal attire here on th' Isle O' Foam©. It behooves me, pals, to reveal my personal duds: ratty dressing gown over boxers and tee, plus twenty year-old sox.

    It occurs to me that the fine illustration of the band on the cover looks like the work of the same artist who limned the Doors and Love for Elektra, leading me to wonder if an album sleeve was prepped, too. Wotta howling mistake to shelve this sucker.

    1. Hang on, 20 year old sox? When I was a teenager (in the 80's) I use to have some socks called 'Indestructible socks' I think. If I remember correctly they lasted years and years and I only stopped wearing the ones I had because my feet got bigger. I wonder if they still make them? maybe you have a Isle O' Foam© supply of the only ones left in the world.

    2. I know - it threatens to blast asunder the ramparts of Reason, yet there they are (or were - I'm wearing a pair of sprightly eight week-olds now). Twenty years may be an under-estimation. Been living in S.E.A. for nearly fifteen years, Paris for seven before that, traveling for a year before that, bought them in Paris before that. There you go. Over twenty years. Timberlands. How they've survived - and remained together AS A PAIR - is a Great Mystery.

  8. Needs more cowbell! Loads more cowbell!
