Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's 1970! Just Time To Record That One-Off Album Before Everybody Forgets What The Sixties Were For!

Wild Butter were straight outta Akron, OH. One of these guys went on to play with post-whatever artrockers Tin Huey, the others warped to a parallel dimension and set up a vinyl upholstery repair franchise. Their album is Prime Foam, being swell and unknown.

The Wizards From Kansas
were from Kansas!  They were called Pig Newton before the record company made them change their name. The album - swell - sounds like it was recorded in San Francisco because it was.
Not untypically, by the time the album came out the band weren't around anymore, and neither were the 'sixties.


  1. To get these unfeasibly swell recordings, wish me Happy Boitday, youse bums!

  2. Happy Boitday, youse bum! Pig Newton would've been a grand name. Hope you're having fun on your big day. I lived on The Farm for a while in the early 70s. I was 15. They didn't have what they called "Ego Celebrations". They didn't have much of anything except 30k overnight visitors a year who stayed for free. Hence, we didn't have much of anything. I still have most.....

  3. all the best wishes for your birfday

  4. Well, happy trip around the sun, amigo!

  5. Gee ... *snurfle* ... youse bums is th' best friends a guy could have ... *snork* ... I gots somethin' in me eye ... gwan! take th' albums ... my boitday gift to youse ... hey ... wait a fushlugginer minute ... ain't youse grifters suppose to get *me* gifts? Why, you cheap, chiseling slobs! That's some nerve ya gots! Why, for two cents, I'd ...

    1. Why, for 2 cents, you'd have 2 cents more than us four or five bums.

  6. Happy birthday, Farq (and to me too, 70 today....ho hum...)

    1. High five, sam! Goshdarnit, there goes muh shoulder agin ...

  7. Youse bums is friggin' old as dirt, ainnit?

    Celebrate while you still can!

    Oh, and wasn't the entire point, that they were not in Kansas anymore, Toto?

    1. Good point and on point, OBG. Now if only I could decipher that artwork ...

  8. Happy Birthday FT3, you keep good company on your day:
    Born 1790 Thursday October Christian, son of Fletcher Christian (leader of the historical mutiny on the Bounty), born in Pitcairn Island

    Born 1882 Éamon de Valera, Irish politician (President of Ireland (1937-48, 51-54, 57-59)), born in NYC, New York

    Born 1890 Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th US President (R, 1953-61) and WWII general, born in Denison, Texas

    Born 1894 E.E.Cummings (Edward Estlin), poet, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts

    Born 1910 John Wooden, American basketball coach (UCLA-10 national championships), born in Hall, Indiana

    1927 Born Roger Moore, British actor (The Saint, James Bond), born in London

    Born 1940 Cliff Richard [Harry Webb], English rock vocalist, born in Lucknow, India

  9. Birthday? I don't think so: you seem ageless to me.

    Anywaytho', thanks for yet another spiffing recommendation . . . (the Wild Butts, not so much) . . . a copy of the Wizards' LP is heading my way from Cheshire, wherever that is, as I type.

    Keep it up.

    Cheers, Peanuts Molloy.

    1. Shout for help if you get sucked into th' black hole of recursivity ...

  10. I sincerely and most humbly wish you a very merry birthday. May peace be unto until you close the blog.

  11. Belated b-day greetings. A true sign of a good egg. Sharing the same 'zact (IF it is the 14th) burt-day as my lat great Auntie Anne...! And my twin nieces turned TWENTY on Monday. Yeah, yeah, yeah, "I gots shoes older than that!!!"...

  12. Happy Birth... Week!? A few days late and dollars short as usual.
