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O.K. Boomer enjoying an iPhone skeet shoot, yestiddy |
In my day [Guest bore O.K. Boomer writes - Ed.] it was a convivial joint passed between friends, or, more rarely, the tribal ceremony of acid; communing with nature, meeting the godhead in a flower, etc. Kids Today© have Infinite Scroll [← link- Ed.] on their hand-held brain crutch. It makes them sullen, stressed, and deeply unreachable. Ask a teacher - "it's like you're interacting with them briefly between hits of internet". The addiction started - it's too late, everything is too late - as little kids. Little kids who should be playing in the street, flicking boogers, falling out of trees, annoying the shit out of their parents. You see them in supermarket carts, hunched in restaurants, strapped into traffic-jammed cars, hypnotised by their glowing magical amulet. Toddlers fercrissakes. They grow up with a fucking phone in their little paw, and they think in bits, in memes, in emoticons, in gifs. Cute, right? Where's the harm? Keeps 'em out of their parents' hair, keeps 'em quiet, and crucially, as they get older, keeps 'em off the street, doomscrolling under a blanket with the attention span of a flashcard. Kids on dates sit opposite each other, silent, heads bent over their phones, maybe messaging each other, probably not. Groups of kids in the park sit under the trees, every single one of them staring at a phone, immersed in a flashing, blinking, seductive, addictive dream.
Not all Kids Today© are dopamine addicts. Many are wonderful, active, positive, skilled, funny, helpful people. But if I see any without a phone, experiencing each others' human company in the messy raw, it's becoming a noticeable rarity. The delusional world they share (and that's "sharing" in the internet non-sense) leads them to believe not only in its concrete reality, but also their aloof remoteness from the non-internet shit happening out here. Youngs are, like, politics? Meh. I'm, like, *eyeroll* lol! And now their opposition is limited to and by the very thought-control system that got us all into this mess. I'm posting the punch-a-Nazi meme! That'll hit them where it hurts! But first, here's an adorable kitten we should all look at. And a clip of me posing somewhere exotic, anywhere in the world, it doesn't matter, the whole wonderful scenic world is my back-drop!
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Woke was the best thing that ever happened to the Far Right, the gift that keeps on giving. However well-intentioned, the emphasis on gender identity, sexual preference, pronouns and other issues that didn't concern the majority of the electorate resulted in the jes' plain folks' disaffection, as in not voting, or voting against.
Millennials and genwhatevs who like to blame everything on a post-war generation of selfish grasping sybarites might like to practice their excuses for when their own kids and grandkids - if they're lucky enough to have any - ask them what they did to stop the Nazis and the oligarchs from destroying their nation from the inside. And very possibly taking the rest of the world with them.
You can't meme your way out of this, kids. This is on you.
This post is about Infinite Scroll. On what is basically a music blog. It's best read in that context. It will have no effect on the real world, the one you see when you look away from the screen, so don't feel too strongly about it. Unfortunately, Infinite Scroll is affecting the real world, even the world I see when I look away from the screen.
Disturbingly on point. I'm not quite there, not with all of them. I get some who'd almost restore your faith. Almost. But they are frustrated by too many of their colleagues and feel some of the same. And some of them and some of us fight back, to the extent that such fighting is possible.We organize demonstrations/protests, we show up, we try, however ineffectually to fight for what it is right. But you are not wrong and it just may be that between the folks you describe above and the twisted pigfuckers (shoutout to HST...no, not that one; and apologies to twisted pigfuckers) that the arc of the moral universe, if it ever existed and wasn't just some other bullshit conceit, is broken. C'est la fucking vie or guerre or somesuch.
ReplyDeleteThere is plenty of blame to go around. I'll shoulder my share, but an obscure academic at even more obscure institution (erm, make that the other way around) isn't even a drop in the bucket. So to steal from Lenin (rather than Lennon, though he'd get you more hits), what is to be done? Fuck if I know. The Situs would tell us to flee, but while fleeing grab a weapon. Y'all, in Texas I would be def be outgunned. Organize. Speak. Show up. Vote. Talk to each other and to others. Don't disappear. Don't give in to TikTok--their primary source of information--but use it as a too Per St. Patti, don't fuck much with the past but plenty with the future & proceed with abandon.
Lol. Listen to me raving like a foolish old man...Oh, wait...why, when I was their age, aux barricades!....But they are out there, not all zombies, not all mindlessly mesmerized, not all lost. I try to help'em as much as I can, which ain't much... and as soon as they get offa my lawn.
feel free to ignore and let's get the music back on. Something with a good beat and you can dance to it. Ran into an old acquaintance in teh ATX recently and have had one of his (best) songs stuck in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVwAZtnyjYw&t=2s
Rock and roll may not save my life (sorry, Lou, I tried...ish), but it's not a bad way to go....
No apologies necessary, and no ignoring.
DeleteOf course there are many youngs who want to actively get involved and organised into effective opposition, who aren't in thrall to their phones. It's up to them to get through to their peers. Stroking a phone isn't action. Posting Saint Luigi memes isn't doing what he did. Trumputin wants a nation of active haters and/or submissive non-voters, which, at the moment, is exactly what they have.
In my lifetime, I have seen the USA change from a (perceived/qualified) aspirational and inspirational nation to a shithole nation. and the "younger generation" change from hedonistic hopefuls to cowed depressives. What can I do? In my seventies, in remote Thailand? Are you kidding? Maybe I could spend all my savings on a trip to the USA with the intention of lobbing a rotten egg at a passing Cybertruck, but given the recent behaviour of the immigration services I'd be in leg-irons at the border, and no, I'm not exaggerating. The world's watching and waiting to see if the catastrophic failure of the USA can be resolved inside its own borders before it becomes a global problem, but it's already too late. I'd like to say I have hope, but until I see that hope put into action by those with the will and the strength and the opportunity of the American young, that hope will dwindle into the hopelessness that seems to be a defining characteristic of their generation.
The USA is incapable of saving itself. There’s been a massive mental sterilization of the populace and you cannot get people off the couches at this point. It’s not all that shocking if you were paying attention. Yes, it’s a world problem, but the world can more readily wean itself from the US then vice versa.
DeleteI keep telling folx it's gonna get worse before it gets worse. It's bad, y'all
DeleteMy weekly Saturday night involved a hit of LSD for several years. I did it at home, a room in a grotty shared house in south London . The night involved friendship, lovely music, sex when tripping, and gradually coming down as the sun came up, with those gorgeous sprinkles and flashes punctuating the birdsong, silence, and daylight. My ego was thoroughly dissolved. I was psychically closer to the people involved, intimately inside the records (often Todd Rundgren's 1970 to 1975 works of trippy optimism), and enthralled by the magic of life. Kids today could do a lot worse than do something similar.
ReplyDeleteI'm not really worried. The elders always thought the kids were lazy, dangerous, irresponsible, etc. In the 1950's and 60's, rock n' roll was supposed to produce generations of brutish sociopaths and it did not to a certain extent. The social media craze is not going to last forever (they'll find something equally idiotic to be sure) and some will come to their senses. That's if Putin and Trump don't destroy the planet in the meantime of course.
ReplyDeleteWhat, me worry?
DeleteYeah, I'm with Farq here, if I'm interpreting his AEN quote correctly. Social media isn't a fad. It's a prism in which the world is interpreted by people, the source of their news, their views, their connections (such as they are), and their way to announce their presence in the world. These things used to be done in person, and in their own time, and with the real-time dynamics of interpersonal connections, and consequently folks had to learn to align with those factors.
DeleteI am amoral, in general, so I don't try to declare something good or bad. But I can recognize the negative consequences of things, and I'm not seeing the upside of mobile phones and social media (two separate issues made more problematical by their combination) outperforming their downsides.
C in California
Quite a few older people are also addicted to their phones, which I find really annoying. It’s well known that the tech bros. don’t allow their own kids early access.
ReplyDeleteI was going to write a huge screed about Trump, but no, he’s taking up too much space and making me ill. We wait, give him enough rope, and hopefully…
Pmac said ”the world can more readily wean itself from the US” this made me laugh, because I was thinking of boycotting US products, but really can’t think of much from the US that I purchase. Red wine, I wonder if the French do red wine?
Get some vino tinto from Espania, Bambi. It will set your mind and heart straight, and is a relative bargain compared to what France produces.
DeleteFrench wine has always been part of their very effective cultural superiority campaign. Their bread, however, that beautiful stuff bought hot from the bakery and eaten on the way home ... that's worth boasting about.
DeleteI’m in a bubble, living in California – but I’m in a part of the state that is close to the edge of the chasm between urban-suburban progressive-ish values and rural “traditional” ones. I’m also in a college town, so I have seen waves of kids, some of whom want to live the dream of Mr. Grimsdale’s youth.
ReplyDeleteI deliberately associate with the makers, doers, fakers, and shakers and not with the phone-staring majority. Yes, some of the kids are alright.
I will repeat what I’m seeing online, from my other bubble: that movements gather, rather than being directed, and that individuals picking on something rather small to work on makes The Great Work go forward. I’ve spent my adult life trying to build small, local institutions, and (to date) they’re proving pretty resilient. But, living in a rich blue state, the stuff has not yet begun to hit the fan here, in comparison to other places.
I can’t finish this comment without thanking Farq from my heart’s center for giving me a card of my own. I probably look a little more like Anonymous, but I know I sometimes embody the spirit of my avatar. I do own pipes (none Meerschaum, though), and have a gray fedora among my several hats.
D in California
That's Mickey Spillane.
Deletetrump speaks of yet another run if he doesn't simply crown himself king .... who will object ??? Me ??? I'm in my seventies just shy of going to paradise and it still bothers me just where did my generation go wrong ??? We had it all in the palms of our hands and we threw it away. Its our kids and their offspring allowing themselves to be manipulated from cradle to grave and its because of what we did or didn't do
ReplyDeleteone theory i have is once we started having kids we plopped them down in front of the tv to watch sesame street and electric company so we could enjoy doing what we did and it was perhaps the beginning of our end
ReplyDeleteThings went downhill after the death of vaudeville.My brother made a lot of money in the pretzel business, but it was crooked dough.
DeleteI've deleted some anonymous comments because I realised they weren't worth spending time reading, let alone responding to. I also deleted the statistical chart in the piece so it won't get argued with. Infinite Scroll is a Thing, a cultural force with a possibly greater effect than the arts we celebrate here (mostly music, but film and books, too).
ReplyDeleteyour clean-up on aisle anonymous is much appreciated
DeleteOoh yes. Bad guy.
DeleteHumanity is vastly overrated...
ReplyDeleteIt does seem sometimes that the idea of humanity being a failed experiment is true. Something in our largely unused brain didn't trigger as it should, the mental equivalent of the opposing thumb got fouled up. Trump has canceled the investigation into the thirty five thousand - and counting - Ukrainian children abducted into Russia. Thirty-five thousand. Kids.
Delete"Everything is fine".
to eat to sleep to fuck are basic needs
ReplyDeletethe need for enslavement is also a key element for our contentment
and children are always ripe for picking