Monday, September 16, 2024

Covfefe Preaupane Photobombs John Hiatt Album Launch Dept.

Covfefe Preaupane, making an honest living, yestiddy

John Hiatt made his first visit to th' IoF© yestiddy to mark a very special re-release of his first album, Hangin' Around The Observatory. As we were settling into th' famed Conversation Pit O' Sound®, the convivial atmosphere was interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Professional Swimwear Model And Tiktokker Covfefe Preaupane. "Hey guys, wassup?" she laughed, before being ushered away by Randy Randomguy, th' Isle's Security Officer. Hiatt, ever the gentleman, made light of the incident and we chattedly relaxedly about the album.

FT3 Heyyy! Johnny-boy! It's an overdue honor to welcome you to th' Isle O' Foam©! 

HIATT (laughs) I was waiting until I had something special to bring, Farq.

FT3 And this album is very special! Want to talk us through it?

HIATT Surely! It's a very special audio upgrade of Hangin' Around Th' Observatory [left - Ed.] to @192, exclusive to th' IoF©. I was always unhappy with the sound - as you know it was pressed @128, which was like the standard back in the day. So naturally when Bernie Grundman told me about the state-of-the-art digital compression facility here, the idea was born!

FT3 Bernie Grundman?

HIATT This old guy, wears like a hearing aid? In both ears? Studio janitor got mistaken for the engineer at a Grand Funk Railroad session. Never looked back. He comes in, switches on the mastering machine, all the levels flat, and picks up a check for twenty thousand bucks! Anyway, he's very respectful of your work here, Farq. And this new edition has an immersive soundstage with crisp highs, clearly separated mids, and a rich, buttery low end.

FT3 Twenty large? For switching on a machine?

HIATT What do you think mastering is? It's not like mixing or producing. There's no skill involved. Any fucker could do it, the right machine ... it's like one fucking switch, man, how hard can it be?

FT3 Wow. On the subject of your first recordings, we FoamFeatured™ the White Duck album here a couple days back.

HIATT (laughs) Currently residing in the where are they now pile.

FT3 With that early single, We Make Spirit b/w The Boulevard Ain't So Bad.

HIATT (laughs) Hey! I don't even have a copy of that myself!

FT3 I wanted to add it as bonus tracks but it's impossible to find. It's not even on YewChewb or any of those sketchy Russian sites. It's probably at Soulsulk, but those guys are weird (shudders).

HIATT Maybe one of the Four Or Five Guys© has a copy?

At this point Kreemé arrived with her signature Root Beer n' Espresso Cheerer-Uppers and a bag of pork scratchings, so we took a break while she performed an impromptu demonstration of Apartment Wrestling with Covfefe Preaupane.

This post protected by Johnson's Johnson Wax®


  1. Siriusly, dawgs, if you have that elusive John Hiatt single I'll add it to this Very Special Edition.

    In the mean time, tell us about your neighbors. Easy for me, on account which I don't gots any!

  2. There you go, at least on the former. Don't say I never got you anything. --Muzak McMusics

    1. Monsewer McMusics aces the A-side! Any youse bums gots th' B-side, besides?

  3. I wasn't aware of that single, thanks!
    Neighbors.., ours pissed off a few years ago and the house is still empty...

    1. Is it now inhabited by "goats", as my wife refers to the spirits of the departed?

  4. Our first apartment in Seville, there was a young Spanish couple on one side of us, that were "amusing", if by amusing you mean a woman who throws dishes across the room at her husband, while simultaneoulsy screaming cerda mierda at him (self loathing?!?).

  5. Phantom Of The Rock OperaSeptember 17, 2024 at 6:47 AM

    Hey Farqs old bean, no luck with that B-SIde. I even donn ed a flak-jacket and headed down into and checked the nine circles of Soulsulk and no sign of it currently. Maybe it will turn up at some point but you never know who might be logged in at any time.

    Worse still Discogs confirms it's never been re-issued in any form so unless someone already has it or fancies spending $15-$30 on eBay to procure a copy of the original single (copies are available in the US) it looks like we are going to have to forego the delights of Mr Hiatt's first B-Side.

    Anyway can someone pass the pork scratchings? I'll pass on the root beer and have my Espresso neat if you don't mind?

    1. Thanks for combat-crawling through the swamps of Soulsuck, POTRO, 'preciated. I'll bolt the A-side onto the album and issue it shortly, shirley.
