Friday, June 10, 2022

Draftervoi Detenses The Present Dept.

Four Or Five Guy© Draftervoi buried this capsule in the Joni thread, which is already hundreds of years old, and it gets to be ceremoniously exhumed right here, on account which it's Kwality Screedage.

Draftervoi talking to us from the future, yestiddy!
I've got a marijuana dispensary [boasts Draftervoi - Ed.] on the next block, 6 TB of music...more music than I have lifetime left, I can order a disembodied computer voice to play hundreds of thousands more songs, watch almost any movie or television program on command, find any book and have it brought to me in 48 hours or less, fresh fruit is always in season, local restaurants feature worldwide cuisines delivered to my door in minutes, my car's engine will last 250,000 miles, there's clean drinking water everywhere I go, and toilets when I have to go, I own a laser and use it to tease the cat. I have a communicator that's better than Captain Kirk's; last week I facetimed with my daughter in Ciudad de México about her struggle to find a good Korean restaurant.

So...yeah, we don't have atomic powered vacuum cleaners (do you really want a nuclear pile in your closet?). We don't have flying cars (given the knuckleheads and drunks you see on the freeway, do you want them whizzing over your home in a ton of metal travelling at 150 miles an hour?). And we don't have vacations on Space Hilton at the Rings of Saturn.

Okay, that last one, I still want that. But most of "the Future" was just a bunch of bad past crap writ large, just with us having funny names like Zyxxyx and pointy shoulder pads on our silver lamé unisex bodysuits.

The present is friggin' AWESOME. If you were to time travel just a little bit, you'd find yourself kneedeep in open sewers and 100 year long wars to decide which inbred royal hillbilly family gets to rule. Most of my friends say, "Hey, let's visit Jolly Old Elizabethean England, maybe catch an original performance of the Lord Chamberlain's Men doing Hamlet at the Globe, it'll be a lark..." and they're dead of cholera a week later. Leeches don't actually do anything, but that's medicine before antibiotics for you.

No...the present is WONDERFUL.

Draftervoi operates The ClamShake Shack™concession at beautiful Visitor Waiting Area, FCI, Terminal Island, LA. "Walk-ins welcome!"


  1. Music that seems/seemed futuristic to you, like something totally new when you first heard it, or from a strange dimension ... out of time, yet not from the past ...

  2. There's a lot to said for being here now.

    Around 1962-63, I went to my piano teacher's house for my weekly lesson. When I arrived, he was listening to Karlheinz Stockhausen's "Kontakte", which sounded unlike anything I'd ever heard before, and decidedly futuristic.

    1. Hymnen - espially the Fourth Region - is still way out there. Faites vos jeux ...

    2. Vous prêchez à la chorale

    3. J'apprends à ma grand-mère à sucer des œufs?

  3. Kraftwerk used to sound like the future, but now that I've lived through 80s synthpop, not so much. That first Ramones LP was a shock but didn't sound "futuristic."

  4. I'd just started playing electric guitar and when I heard the Who's "Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere", I was just blown away by the guitar freakout in the middle. The fact that "noise" could be part of music was a real revelation.

  5. Nothing comes close to Telstar for me. Recorded 22 July 1962, i.e. a hop skip and a jump away from 60 years ago and it' still the future. With an honourable mention to the Skylon, if the future's that bright we'll definitely have to wear shades.

    1. A lot of Joe Meek's production techniques were very futuristic and some of his work still sounds it. He's well worth investigating.

  6. Speaking of responses to past posts I had this response to the incomplete list of school shootings : Reading anything about attrocities both globally as well as domesticly seems only to inspire more of the same. If we could but choose to commit our energies to producing beautiful works in the fields of art and music, poetry, prose. If we must be copy-cats or apes let us concentrate on the creation of more beauty and not by explosively destroying what has been before, but rather by exposing what is wrong and by acting to right those wrongs.

  7. Bucephalus (that was before these poems )
    I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees
    I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees
    And before I die, I should like to share my verses with you

    Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera
    Guantanamera, guajira, Guantanamera

    My verses are a clear green, and they are a flaming crimson
    My verses are a clear green, and they are a flaming crimson
    My verses are a dear sky which I look for in my beloved mountain...
    (shortened so post not too long)

  8. Tribute To Ndiouga Dieng Lyrics (English Translations)

    I love you I love you my love
    even sitting down I think only of you
    all the beauty of a pretty woman is seen in you
    Your beauty is rare and special
    the day when you told me: I love you
    I did not sleep that night
    The day of our meeting is unforgettable
    the day when you embraced me, if I think about it I am on cloud nine
    if I don't see you I cannot keep still, cannot drink, eat or sleep
    I told you that I love you
    oh my love
    in my sleep I dream only of you, seeing you smile with your pretty white teeth
    I am telling you all this so that you do not betray me, betrayal is not good
    Even if you left me, I would never stop thinking of you
    every morning on waking up I think only of you and cry.
    Orchestra Baobab


  9. i have gone after people
    with guns

    once I tried to hang myself and got terribly ashamed
    afterwards because I was really faking it

    i have gone after people
    with rocks

    i have cursed out old white lady cart pushers in
    in supermarkets who block the aisles in slow motion

    i have gone after people
    with my fists

    i have walked out on pavlovian trainers who mistook me
    for a dog

    i go to sleep and have dreams about falling
    and can’t stand the suspense so I sweat it out
    and land on my feet

    i have gone after people
    with poems


  10. Another one that comes to mind is Virginia Plain. It still sounds completely "out there" even now, and unlike anything I'ld heard at the time (but still not as Dan Dare futurismo as Telstar).

  11. It's swell skreed indeed ... but what do we GET for reading it?!?! You can't put a lovely but fleeting diversion on a hard drive! Pay up Draft Boy! (I know you didn't intend to be "published" but you still gotsta pay us for the pleasure of reading your incisive and insightful commentary -- them's the rules)

  12. Trout Mask Replica turned music and language inside out for me, but it never sounded futuristic in the sense of space-age. Tago Mago was another personally revolutionary album. The albums that prefigured exactly what I'd be listening to today are the ones I was listening to back then, and they don't sound dated to me; it's not old music. Draftervoi's question has no answer from me - which is only fair, as he didn't ask it.

  13. Here's Hymnen - it's the Fourth Region you want (it will unscrew the top of your head and send it spinning off through the moons of Jupiter), but the Third is pretty decent. Futuristic? Perhaps. Baloney? Perhaps not.

  14. MrDave says "Pay up, pally boy" and I'm happy to do so. Here's a baker's dozen of digitizations done over the past decade.

    Blondie - SuperGroups In Concert

    Cars - SuperGroups In Concert

    Allman Brothers Band SuperGroups In Concert

    Peter Frampton SuperGroups In Concert readers will sense a theme developing here...

    Chicago SuperGroups In Concert

    Loverboy SuperGroups In Concert

    Kinks SuperGroups In Concert

    Okay...I've run out of finished SuperGroups but will be working on a few more over the summer while the grandson is visiting the other grandfather up in Seattle...

    Hall & Oates On Stage Tonight

    Spinners Budweiser Concert Hour

    UB40 BBC College Concert

    k d lang Westwood One Presents

    Roxy Music Captured Live

    1. Thanks @draftervoi -- I always forget you (co-)run the Voodoo Wagon and Floppy Boot Stomp blogs! I guess I should be paying you for all the great music I have leached there over the years! Thanks for the embarrassment of riches!

    2. I'm a guest author (and while I have author rights at FBS I chose to just post at VW just to keep the digitizations in one place. Not knowing your tastes I tried to include a few different genres; I hope you find a show of interest to you. :)

    3. I didn't know that was you at FBS and VW, draftervoi! Many thanks for all the great stuff - I've had a shedload from those two blogs over the years.

    4. Gosh, you're welcome, SteveShark. My gimmick is digitizing tapes I recorded off the radio, syndicated radio shows I buy on Ebay, and the occasional CD radio show. It's a weird blog in that it's got multiple authors; I don't know any of 'em in real life, where they live, how old they are, etc. That's not always apparent to the folks who drop in (who looks at the tiny print with the post-authors name?)

  15. Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook, sounded very futuristic to me in 1984, however now it's just a great pop album (slap bass is only just forgivable). But other albums of that same era (production style) now sound really awful. I remember seeing a great Stevie Winwood gig around that time, and buying the next album and the 80's production sounded dated or just horrible, the same can be said for Clapton, Plant, Pink Floyd, and many others who really embraced that 80's sound, so bad that I believe the first 80's Floyd album was recently remixed/re-recorded.

  16. Sun Ra is the future.

  17. Draftervoi and anonymous, your positivity is much appreciated. I too shared your positivity, but sometimes the state of the world now gets in the way. I've always had the need to find out what's going on elsewhere on the planet and there is always 'shit happening'. I believe the only way to regain my positivity is to stop watching the news, maybe it's true that ignorance is bliss.
    Anyway thanks for the positivity.

    1. Perspective is important. While the media has always gone with "if it bleeds, it leads," we're now more self-directed; you aren't given the news so much as you seek it out on the Internet or channel-flip to find it. And there's something about human nature that makes us hunt down the worst, so much so that there's now the term "doom-scrolling" to describe seeking out bad news.

      I'm not saying the world doesn't suck, I'm pointing out that if you had a choice and went back, whence would you go? What time? Our mind picks a year and thinks of the good things...1969...hey, it's Woodstock! Instead you might find yourself drafted in Vietnam.

      Thanks to the miracle of the Internet, I've tracked down a lot of my family...all those aunts n' uncles that no one ever talked about. Taking my grandmother's family of her sisters knicked a finger with a paring knife and died from the infection. A brother forgot to take a car out of get, turned the crank handle to start it; the car bucked, ran him over and killed him....and there's dozens more involving Austrian firing squads, Japanese bombs, diseases we've barely heard of, dismemberment from dangerous machinery, icy drowning deaths from ships hitting each other in the fog, unsafe at any speed automobiles, planes falling from the sky...

      So...where would I go? Any year I pick, if I look at the actual headlines, there's the same horrors grinding you down and depressing you as we face now. Every decade has terrible events, everyone always thinks there in the middle of the worst crime wave ever.

      My counsel is not to ignore news altogether, but understand that they sell us negativity because we want to buy it. It's in our nature. That's why "The End Of The World" is always popular, whether it's climate change or Jesus or atomic armageddon or supervolcanos, meteors, Mayan calendars, Y2K...come to think of it...I've survived the end of the world so many times that I must be the luckiest man alive.

  18. Totally agree, good news is rarely reported.
    I must also steer my friends away from talking politics when I'm out, but when you live in England every day our buffoon in chief says something to provoke controversy.
    I would like to go back in time to 1978 just to the day when I turned down a ticket to see AC/DC because I was revising for an exam at school. Bon Scott died a few days after I would/should have seen them.

  19. I no longer follow "the news", because it was depressing me, and because I couldn't do anything about it, but mostly because it was happening to people I don't know a long way away. Locally, life goes on with its own news - this is the real stuff I'm part of. Human stories, animal stories, weather stories, health stories. The world I'm in has no horror, no super-villains, no violence. It's real to me.
