Sunday, April 24, 2022

Isle O' Foam© Newsdesk O' News Dept. - New Bitrate Compression Chamber Opened!

Hmm - this one's nearly cooked ...

Th' IoF© postbag is full of requests to show more of what happens "behind the scenes" on Fabulous False Memory Foam© Island! To satisfy enquiring minds [Osgood and Vilene Enquiringminds, Elbowrash, WIS - Ed.] we're giving sneak preview of new Bitrate Compression Facility! Oboy!

Subscribers may remember previous exposé featuring Professor U.U. Gefiltefish operating old Bitrate Compression machine! Unfortunately, during testing of new facility Prof got trapped inside chamber and compressed himself to minus value. Luckily he left full instructions for operation, assurance that radiation emitted during use "almost negligible". 

Shewn in above Foam-O-Graph© [above - Ed.]Real Boy Homunculus Howdy-Doody monitors controls! Note default bitrate setting on space-age digital display! Note Knitting Pattern Man With Pod Head relaxing with bucket of SubGenius Nuggets®! Note Sister Rholonne Déodoranté, th' IoF©'s popliar Religiousness Consultant, serving refreshments! Note discreet gold-plated spitoon in corner! Note many familiar decorative accoutrements devoid of meaning yet saturated with terrible significance!

Your V.I.P. visit to new facility is also fun-type interactive game! Can you and your skeevy "sports" bar pals descry long-playing L.P. in Compression Chamber? Extry points for glomming hidden image of Your Genial Host!

EDIT: Only Babs got this one - The Complete Book Of Hours from Green Pajamas. Great album, chock full o' chewns n' romantic malaise (which was to smother Jeff Kelly for later releases). High point: Under The Observatory, just achingly gorgeous.

This post made fungible thru endowment from Art Poppleheffer's Senior Hygiene World™, Scranton PA - 10% off his world-famous Catheter-n'-Varicose Vein Hose Combo to all who show this blog piece! "Wheel-ins welcome!"


  1. As ever, don't name album/act directly, but leave clew! It's a swell album.

  2. I think it's that ivory tinkler from the 70s. Say no more.

    Big praise on that compression chamber. Great in image & words.

    I think China Crisis "Working With Fire & Steel" is a good song to play while viewing this post. It helped me focus & discern your intent.

    Thanks again.

  3. Hmm.... I'll figure out the album, in a few. In the meantime, the background is Syd Mead's "WonderWall".

  4. Irene Handl does not sing on this.

    1. This is, by some way, the best clew yet, as accurate as it is useless.

  5. Bet it'll sound splendid after passing thru your new compression chamber, whatever the elpee is.
    Does Sister Rholonne Déodoranté, do private rigorous religious training? Asking for a friend.

  6. Hmm... These competitions aren't getting too much of a response recently. Maybe I should offer a prize as an inducement. I still have a million dollars in a fiber suitcase that went unclaimed, so that's no good. How about ice-cream? Everyone likes ice-cream! Okay, one small tub of prune n' liver flavor ice-cream to the lucky winner! Let's do this, people!

  7. The image gets clearer as the bitrate approaches @192, giving youse bums another chance ...

  8. Not the "Cat's Pajamas"

    The "Unabridged Journal of Time"

    1. Yay! We have a winnah! Anybody else got their reading glasses on?

  9. For those of us living in an alternate universe, i.e. not on Foam Island, how about a clue to work out what the clue is?

    1. A Fine Old English NoblemonApril 25, 2022 at 2:31 PM

      That was from me, by the way, something funny's happened to my comments box

    2. The comments box keeps changing for me, from old dial-up modem style to something more contemporary. I have no idea what's going on. Babs' clue gives the name of the group and the album using different words. If you recognise the (upside down) album cover, Babs' clue will confirm it, but if you don't recognise it the clue won't be much help. These quiz games used to get busted in a couple of hours, and it's difficult getting the obscurity level right.

      "The REDACTED has its ultimate origin in the Psalter, which monks and nuns were required to recite."

    3. Hmm, looks like there are a few cryptic clues there, I'll work on it.
      Also, I'm going to have to shorten my name now, as this "new improved" version of comments means I have to type it in every time AFOEN will now be known as Nobby.

  10. I quit. And I don't like this new comment thingy at all. Leave it to Google to "fix" something that doesn't need fixin' since they ain't got nothin' better to do. They killed Google Reader as a sacrifice to Google+ and look where it got them! (rich anyway despite not knowing what the f their doing)

  11. That was way too hard. I've never heard of the band and I sleep commando.

    1. Okay, we'll allow this. But if you've never heard the album, you're in for a little eargasm.

  12. Re comment box, I'm not having to enter my name, when I click on comment it says "Comment as: Bambi" as usual, and I can just start typing. However last week a couple of my comments just disappeared.

    1. I sometimes get a box to write in and sometimes a line. The font is different, too. In the box it's Courier, and on the line it's (I think) Arial.

    2. Maybe I need to go legit and get one of those pictures like you all have - how do I do that? AFOEN as was

    3. Nobby, if you have a Google "account" (*shudder*) you can add an amusing icon to your "profile". Get a five year-ld to help. Preferably not a horse.

  13. I really thought this was going to be easy for youse bums. Next time, it's going to be Abba's Greatest Hits, and I'll show the whole cover in hi-rez and hope you do better. For shame.

  14. Ok, where's the hidden image of Your Genial Host?, unless you're on the chicken bucket?

    1. That's J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. If I told you where I am in that Foam-O-Graph© then everybody would know.

    2. I believe it's the Stalinesque relief in the wonderwall behind the compression chamber?
