Saturday, June 12, 2021

Isle O' Foam Newsdesk Dept. - Lazy Assed Bum Awarded Honorary Gum Card



  1. What an uh-steamed honor!

  2. I am so honored. I'm speechless. Yes, Kwai, sniff sniff, very uh-steamed. Now I have to prepare to work for the merit badges to become a full fledged 4 or 5 guy. Funny, in an oil induced haze I spoke with a carbon based biped about just this topic. Small whirl innit? I'm awed and humbled. Thank you Farq!!!! I saw the topic in my newsreader and about fell out. LOL.

    1. FGW's excuses for not handing in his assignment range from "I can't find my crayons" to "underpants caught fire", but he's been here since we were The House O' Foam© in bosky downtown Vegas, and deserves a big manly thump between the shoulderblades for his meticulously combed Kirlian Aura, if nothing else.

  3. See, you can succeed without trying! Well done FGW!! Lovely card btw

  4. That card is absolutely fabulous. Yo, Five Guns West, wanna trade?

  5. Wait. So that's what the card thing is all about? My getting one represents induction into the 4 or 5 Guys? Like ... already? I feel like an interloper, an arriviste - the squeaky-clean new detective fast-tracked by the brass straight into Homicide without having paid his dues by getting the doughnuts in even once. Congrats, FGW, by the way. That's some couch. And, trust me, I know from couches.
