Friday, April 9, 2021

Donovan's Brain

The surprisingly strong showing of Donovan "Pixiepants" Leitch in Kreemé's recent census led me to dust off these antique store curios for your mild amusement. The first - Liquid Sunshine Donovan - geddit? - is a collection I made to fit the cover, which came first. It's default Don; sixty minutes of psychedelic microdots to go, and hold the denim cap social conscience. Best listened to in a coracle wearing a cape and felt slippers.

The second is something youse bums probably ain't heard. I edited all his songs direct from the audio track of Brother Sun, Sister Moon [Franco Zeffirelli, 1972 - Ed.] and stitched them together with unicorn mane. Downside: under a half-hour of telephone handset quality. Upside: something unique in his, or anybody's, catalog. A saturated, dreamlike mood that borders on the hallucinogenic, with moments of weird unease, it's much more potent than his later unplugged versions of some of the same songs. The sounds from the movie that I couldn't edit out only add to its strange charm. No, really. Don't operate heavy machinery or perform surgery while listening to this. Find somewhere quiet to lie down.


  1. Go here for an exclusive IoF interview with the elf himself, but not the music, a link for which shall manifest mystically here should you utter the correct Magic Spell in a comment!

  2. SO close! And yet so very, very, far away ...

  3. Replies
    1. I'm tempted to give you this. Very tempted. Not really.

  4. Of course we've heard Uncle Sun Aunty Moon.

  5. Thinking way back, only one of my close school chums had an older sibling who bequeathed some records from a previous generation upon him. So, Donovan's Greatest Hits (rechanneled for stereo) was my long form introduction to the Scottish lad. I don't think he got a lot of critical respect (having Mickie Most for a producer can't help much in that regard), but he probably got more teenage poontang than you can shake a stick at, if that's your idea of a good time.

    I gotta think the continent of Atlantis contained many magick spells, but I'm preoccupied with math problems like how to make 8 cans of beer last 3 days, so my brain may no longer be the boss.

    Hoping someone guesses the right spell, as he for sure has an oeuvre with psychedelic highlights worth compiling. I do like the "Colours" and "Universal Soldier" stuff, too, though.

    1. Hazy, I don't know if it was dumb luck or deep knowledge of the Mystic Arts, but you hit paydirt "with make 8 cans of beer last 3 days", which is exactly the Magic Spell required!

      I'll loadup th' albums soon as I waxed me bikini line ...

  6. Replies
    1. Older subscribers will remember Iamjethro's popular kids' TV show "Up The Allotment" where he read stories from Health & Efficiency Magazine in his garden shed.

  7. Youse bums gots any bikini wax hacks? Ice Seal N' Shine Hybrid Sealant Turtle Wax burns like th' bejasus when I peels it off.
    (Stealth Link© mystically embedded in this here comment, truth seekers!)

    1. No bikini wax hacks, soz - you might try toktik for those; it's where the youngsters hang out these days (so The Don will be somewhere there too I guess, judging from the lyrics to Superlungs, amongst others) - but in recompense I can offer the official Riz Ortolani soundtrack/score. It makes a fine accompaniment to Donovan's songs.
      Interestingly (or perhaps not) Donovan & Ortolani were not Zeffirelli's first choice - Leonard Bernstein & 'Laughing' Leonard Cohen put in a three month stint in Italy working something up before chucking in the towel. Zeff then asked Paul Simon (!) to participate but after consideration he also declined. Anyways I'd better stop before you all fall asleep - just shout if anyone would like Riz's contribution.




    3. Pop a Demerol® or two, forty-five minutes before you get your junk waxed.

    4. Almost forgot.
      For post waxing discomfort, rub your junk with a banana peel.

    5. JKC - would you consider penning a doctor's advice column? The Four Or Five Guys© could write in their medical problems and you could sort them out.

    6. I'd be honored.
      There's some screed coming your way later today.

    7. Right. We'll run a Ax Th' Doctor piece, and guys can ax your advice in the comments, providing cheap laffs for th' heartless bums out there. Also too, we can rely on Noted Medical Authorities in th' diaspora to chime in with their valued opinions. Next week some time.

    8. That WAS a shout! To be honest I was momentarily concerned for your well being - I thought maybe there was an attack upon your person - but then the following cough calmed my fears. Unless, of course you were being attacked by a cat with a fur-ball problem.

      For Farq, and any of the other four of five guys who so desire:-
      Riz Ortolani - Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna (1972)

      (I've also included alternative artwork for the Don's songtrack - I never liked that i-tunes one from the re-recorded version so made my own based on the original film poster.)


    9. The soundtrack is playing as we speak - why, Dr D! It's - *snurfle*! - beautiful! And a swell complement to Pixiepants' tunes.

    10. JKC, would that be an e-lec-trical banana peel? My coat's the one on the left.

    11. Thank you Dr D!

  8. With knot of one, the spell's begun.
    With knot of two, the spell be true.
    With knot of three, the spell is free.
    With knot of four, the power is stored.
    With knot of five, the spell with thrive.
    With knot of six, this spell I fix.

    1. With knot of seven, the spell will waken.
      With knot of eight, the spell will wait.
      With knot of nine, the spell is mine.
      With knot of ten, it begins again.
      With knot of eleven - shit - anyone got a rhyme for eleven?

    2. With knot of twelve
      My true love gave to me
      A partridge in a pear tree...
      (Love is hot... Truth is molten)

    3. With knot of eleven, the spell went to heaven
      With knot of twelve, it went back to the elf
      With knot of thirteen bad luck struck the spell and it was irreparably destroyed.


    4. A frayed knot or afraid not. Take your pick

  9. Considering his top billing in the census, youse bums are strangely silent about the qualities of Pixiepants ...

    1. Pro Tip: Always wear Pixiepants (sic) "commando"

    2. Public Service Announcement: Wearing Pixie Pants directly after getting you junk waxed, may lead to the heartbreak of Chafing Rash. Not to mention the embarrassment of a noticeable erection in public.

    3. At least nobody's talking about the Stromberg Twins, and why they were named after carburetors. A good thing.

    4. Only Francis of Assisi knows for sure......

    5. No Atlantis, no care. ;-)

    6. Billy Batts unavailable for comment.

    7. As a good soundtrack should, I am now curious about the movie Brother Sun Sister Moon. I couldn't help but imagine that it might be something between Zabriske Donovan....and, The Wicker Don!!!
      Let the spells cast themselves so that we hear Antediluvian bells.
      Thank you, Farq. Onward towards the liquid sunshine!

    8. After a quick trip to YouTube, I found that Brother Sun Sister Moon is not the movie that I was expecting. Psychedelic? Not very...the production is top notch but the subject matter is beyond me. The comments there are rather disturbing. I can't believe Donovan was chosen for the soundtrack. Even if his music was perfect for the film, I am speechless to find Donovan there.

  10. not much of a fan, but can tell you from brief stints busking in Austin, D.C., & Madrid that in the late 1970s/very early 1980s a disturbing number of people wanted to sing along with "Season of the Witch." Make of it what you will.

    1. I can appreciate his talent, but something about him ... makes me wince.

    2. Just a hunch:
      If Donovan had tagged along with The Rolling Stones to hang with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...the wince would be gone. I thought the L.S.Donovan comp was very enlightening since I never knew he had that many trippy tunes. You certainly arranged them in a very knowledgeable fashion that just flowed as well or better than Brother Sun Sister Moon soundtrack. I like BOTH of the collections and consider them to be some of your best work. Especially if we are going to get free medical advice from Dr. J.K.C.!!!
      Turn your head and cough! (wince)

    3. Thanks for the kind words. Making the BSSM flow perfectly was beyond my pay grade, but it works well enough. Together, they're all the Don I'm going to need, but if you have any album requests, make 'em now because I'm about to put everything else I have by him in th' Dumpster O' Doom©.

  11. Liquid Sunshine Donovan is one fine collection!

    Nicely done, Sir.

    1. Thank 'ee. There have been a shitload of Don collections, but none quite hit the spot for me.

      (I'm axing the 4/5 guys to speak up if they're missing any Don albums - I have most of them - not the latest - and I'll be trashing them soon)

  12. I would say that about 25 percent of his stuff is problematic. The rest is quite good.

  13. Your personal comp has a great flow. Great job.

  14. So, Farqster, do tell: How do you do these fabulous covers? What app is helping with the magic?

    ('cause most Photoshop stuff looks like crap. I've never understood whatever I have to do for a collage style pic)

    1. I don't have Photoshop. I do covers and other Swell Art for th' IoF© in Preview, an under-appreciated app that's bundled with every Mac, and Paintbrush, the free Mac equivalent of Paint. Quick and simple.

  15. Have searched closely but it appears that the micro-dot that holds the gateway to these alluring treasures has gone. Possibly licked off by a foraging mole.

    1. Irving - I may call you Irv? - the link is still good (I just tested it). You have to read the furshlugginer comments. Especially this one:

      April 9, 2021 at 9:09 AM
