Monday, December 14, 2020

Wilf Brimley's Pstairlift To Psychedelia!© Dept.

Older subscribers will have fond (if confused) memories of Wilf Brimley's popular FoamFeature© Pstairlift To Psychedelia, sponsored by FURTHUR Stairlifts And Step-In Bath Solutions™("One Step Beyond To Senior Mobility And Hygiene!") out of Stain Bottom, FLA. Wilf returns to the Isle O' Foam© with his latest choice of far-out listening! Over to you, Mr. Brimley!

"A high-high howdy-doo to all our subscribers out there on fabulous Foam Island! Taking a magical mystery trip on the sunshine stairlift today is that swell combo, Gale Garnett And The Gentle Reign! This baby gets a regular spin here at the Karmic Rebirth Retirement Home, and I tell ya, I wouldn't have minded giving Miss Gale a spin back in the day! Th' old feller ain't up to more'n a drip n' a tinkle these days. Sometimes I-" [tape ends - Ed.] 

Edit: Sausalito Heliport added to package. Perfect audiophile quality from vinyl!


  1. Seriously - does any body read this garbage? Or do you all just dive for the comments like JKC?

    1. Reading the text is what hooked me.

    2. Strooth. Farq's "garbage" is music to the eyes. The inventive themes, witty humor, and linguistic flourishes inspire us knobs in the cheap seats to try to mumble along with the maestro.

  2. Apparently, I "just dive for the comments"......

    1. I just sometimes - *sigh* - wonder if my labors are going under-appreciated? Like any poetic soul, I have my moments of Existential Despair, my feeling that Life is futile, and Art a mirage. I labored by candlelight for hours over "FURTHUR Stairlifts And Step-In Bath Solutions™("One Step Beyond To Senior Mobility And Hygiene!") - honing every syllable, evoking the Muse of Poesie with all the skill and Native Genius at my disposal, and - for what? Will it - or I - be remembered when blessed Night descends upon the Brief Show we call Life? Or am I. ultimately, just full of shit?

      (Pleased you dive for anything, JKC, and honored)

    2. your peerless prose brings me 'round once a day (or so). You are one erudite sumbitch with a way with words...and the best commenters in town.

    3. C'mon guys. Let's cheer up Farq and petition a wonderful new cause. Hereafter. the Island's sewage treatment plant should be named after him. Anyone second the movement-- er, uh, motion?

    4. Say, Clarence From Vancouver, that's a swell idea!

    5. Seeing how the Isle Of Foam is even worse than Canada and has no plumbing whatsoever - indoor, outdoor, Hodor - and seeing how the Isle of Foam's sewage treatment is basically us grumpily dragging a bit of brush over the spot where we took a dump, whe shall thus from now on refer to such...uh, toilet brush, as "The Farquhar Throckmorton shit cover up".

      A somewhat catchier name is still under consideration.

    6. ".......Or am I. ultimately, just full of shit"

      that needs to be embroidered on a pillow.

  3. It's the comments that make th' Isle such a pleasant place to be, and nothing wrong in diving into them first. I'm hoping JKC hasn't taken umbrage and disappeared into the undergrowth for another six months. If you're still here - how's about some screed? There's been requests.

  4. So, instead of a shitter, we will now know it as a Farq-er?!?
    JFC, go to sleep and awaken to Gale Garnett and Farq's existential crisis. Back to bed.......

    1. For privacy's sake, I usually relieve myself in the (literal) shit-holes that dot the Isle of Foam. Watch your step, fellas!

      Occasionally I make my ablutions on the central Throne of Foam, or as I shall now call it, the Mother Farq-er.

  5. I do eventually get around to the front end, but I go to the comments first

    Does that make me a bad person?


    1. alrightalrightalright.......


      I will say .....the stroboscopic, seizure inducing, flashing album cover has to be the hit of the nursing home

      and I'm on the same page with Mr. Brimley, the most enjoyable part of growing old so far, has to be the frequent trips to the loo

    2. There's a stroboscopic bon bon in my brain, and its name is Brimley.

  6. I'll generally scroll the front page while opening Comments in separate tabs. If you need a break, have your intern copy and paste allmusic reviews and biographies like everybody else. But yeah, it's gotta be the sure realistic false memories FT3 labors over that attract the like minded four or five.

    "We'll sing in the sunshine..."

  7. Ah, Wilford Brimley.
    I've always found his low budget Teddy Roosevelt impersonations, in a word: irritating.

    In fairness the poor guy suffered from "Diabeetus Syndrome" a rare neurological disorder that inhibits one from pronouncing "Diabetes" correctly.

    I have a vague memory of seeing Gale Garnett And The Gentle Reign on "American Bandstand", or maybe "Happening" (hosted by Paul Revere & the Raiders) or perhaps it was on "The Clay Cole Show".

    After downloading and listening to Gale, I think my sister listened to her, after growing out of Annette Funicello. Basically psychedelic music for people who didn't do psychedelics, and bought Nehru jackets and Love Beads (no, not that kind) at Bloomingdale's

    "Peace Comes Slowly To The Thrashing Fish"

    1. Psych-lite has its charms these days, lost on me at the time, when I would have sneered at these albums. The second is actually pretty swell, in spite of the cover telling us differently. I listened to the latest Taylor Swift yesterday, as much as I could take. Gale Garnett could sing. Swift sounds like a cutesie-poo cartoon character in an ad. They're jingles, not songs.

    2. Please Mr. Scrooge.....

      It's Christmas.

  8. "Peace Comes Slowly To The Thrashing Fish"

    My next tattoo. Thanks, JKC.

  9. Somewhere west of Laramie the mushrooms took hold.

    "Deer in the City" was playing on the stereo...........

  10. Pardner,

    Never think that your work goes unappreciated. Why if it wasn't for you the little lady and I would have to fall back on setting up two tv's, watching Peg Leg Bates on one and Betty Boop cartoons on the other. Not that we would do that without appropriate music, but your shares help temper the mood. You're doing God work, I'm just not sure which one. So Merry Christmas, and to be on the safe side "IO, IO YOG-SOTHOTH".

    As ever,

    Billy Gates of the Double X ranch.

  11. I`m not sure if it is acceptable to reference other blogs but there is an album "The Many Faces Of Gale Garnett" from 1965 (before she drank the Kool- Aid ?) on The Twilightzone blog. I presume this is the same person, how many vocalists are named Gale Garnett? I read your every word Mr.Throckmorton III, you are the doyen of bloggists. The Reverend Dr.Baz

    1. Yup, that's the same Gale. Links welcome, encouraged, even.

  12. I love the comments here, and also appreciate many of the great tunes I have discovered, but because I sometimes take weeks before I get round to really listening to them, my comment about an album may be lost a few pages back.
    Farq and the 4 or 5 guys, I thank you all for making me smile (and sometimes think) in what is for many of us a frikin awful year.

  13. Psych-lite picks to click:

    October Country (eponymous) (Epic; Rev-Ola/Cherry Red)
    The Neighb'rhood Children (eponymous) (Acta; Sundazed)
    St. George & Tana "Is Now!" (Kapp)(No CD)

    1. The first two are pretty common - do you have St. George & Tana?

  14. What most of them said up there, whatever it was ...
