Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday Slugfest Dept. - Annette Vs. Van Vliet!

Our postbag has been literally bulging with requests from thousands (Milty and Odorene Thousands, Diesel Falls, NM) to pit perky, toothsome Annette Funicello against snarling, snaggletoothed Captain Beefheart!

The curmudgeonly Captain is represented by this here swell limited edition Clear Spot, sporting a spiffy new cover and an xtry trk what should never of been left off of! 

Meanwhilst,  wholesome gal-next-door Annette chooses her soundtrack to the swell motion picture Pajama Party to go into the cage for her!

Who'll emerge the victor? Who'll be stretchered out? Place your bets in the comments, fight fans!


  1. Incidentally, pals, Whipping Post is currently getting more requests than Free Bird.

    1. I think it was Petula Clark or maybe Prince who once made the observation "It's a sign o' the times"

      Food for thought?
      or, ersatz Ham?

      Obey Gravity

    2. A nation mourns, with its cigarette lighters held aloft.

  2. Hmm. Well, you know that Frankie Avalon will jump in the fray to save the damsel in distress. But, I suspect that Ry Cooder willl follow suit to protect the back of V V. In any event, its Beefhart with a bodyslam.

    1. My money's on th' Beef, too. When he says nowadays a woman's got to hit a man, I don't think he means with a slumber party pillow.

      Any guesses as to the extry tk before I upload it?

    2. Hmmm.....maybe Beefhart's holiday rendition of I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?

    3. no, no, no. No. Someone's roasting in hell for that song. But the Beef Man's version of "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" is worth the price of admission alone.

    4. don't think Mr.Cooder will be anywhere near the fray, as he unceremoniously walked out on Doc and the boys in the very early days.

  3. Heard tell that Annette loves the Beef.

    1. The Captain has the magic, but Annette's got the hits!

  4. Unless someone convinces me otherwise, Beefheart has this. And even if you have this, download anyway to see how the extra track should never have been left off. It's Little Scratch, a complete, ready-to-eat Beefburger. There are a number of versions out there - this is the best, from The Dust Blows Forward compilation.


    1. Cappy would be a shoe in except for a couple of things. Baron Von Zipper and his gang and lastly, a teenage Stallone, as Mr. Universe, made his debut on Beach Blanket Whatever it was. The intimidation factor alone might cause the good Captain to fold. Now, whether or not his old Pachuco brothers would kick in, I can't say.

  5. Annette does look better in the pajamas than Beefheart would. Oh wait, are you asking about the music?

    1. Have you seen the Captain in pj's? I reckon he'd look pretty cool.

      "The camel wore a nightie."

  6. ...and the pantaloon'd duck, white gooseneck quacked, Webcor, Webcor.

  7. I don't think Don ever rocked a set of mouse ears (and sweater puppies) as fetchingly as Annette once did. I bet he never even wore high heels to a pajama party. It's like he didn't even care.
