Sunday, February 23, 2020

Shantoozie Deluxe

Dorothy Dandridge was possibly the least-suited name for a shantoozie ever, conjuring up an Amish schoolmarm. Primarily a fine actress, with a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and an Oscar nom for Carmen Jones, Dandridge was also a smoky-voiced supperclub star, a real smooth operator. Her life was a struggle against racism, libel, financial fraud, and personal tragedy, ended by a sad death at 42. She accomplished much, against the odds. A swell dame.

This disc presents all of her 1958 album, unreleased at the time, and some worthwhile extras.


  1. Whatever a chantoozie is, i'd like to try some. Please.

  2. Replies
    1. Chanteuse . . . Beats doors offa Chartreuse, any day.

      Thanks for Dorothy. Just don't tell us Toto is next . . .

      Signed, Little Dog II

  3. Thanks! If it's all the same with you, I'd like to contribute this
    little compilation (originally downloaded from who knows where) of
    Dorothy Dandridge at her relatively less chanteusey:

    In the Movies:

    1. This is a super-swell share, Crabster! I'd be surprised if we didn't have all her recordings now. I pinch your claws!

  4. What a drawer dropping good time and a two fer at that.....

  5. Thanks Farq and Crab! Hopefully, this will be the aural ointment for that Welch offering from yesterday (yeah, I know - we were warned!).

  6. Thanks heaps for Dorothy. Remember Carmen Jones from many moons past.
