Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday's Something For Sunday

A super-swell collection of rare EP sides [approved jazz term - Ed.] from Der Bingle which stands up better than most of his albums. Bear in mind he was higher than a cat's back when he got behind the mic, and his relaxed approach to choice of material as well as the act of singing makes sense. He didn't care much what he sang - everything was copacetic - and he certainly wasn't going to pop a neck vein getting it across. Yup - that avuncular pipe was packed with Bing's Special Mix, a blend of fine Virginia tobacco and primo Tijuana hemp.

This ain't the cover that comes with the rekkid (the usual mosaic of tiny sleeves that answers for collections of this type) but a swell piece of art painted for a Stetson ad what I found in an old copy of Spicy Amputee Romance. It's better than the Mona Lisa in every conceivable way. Note enigmatic smile. Note how eyes follow you around room - hallmark of any great painting.

The artist didn't just paint guys in hats. He painted dudes in cheaters thinking for themselves. Slayton Underhill (for it is he) - FalseMemoryFoam© salutes you.

Anyway - back to Bing. Hoo boy! The treehouse gang will go ape when you spin these twenty-six Foam-Filled tracks of slacks-n'-loafers wax at your next club meet!


  1. Hey that guy needs a nice fedora, or maybe a thinking cap!


  2. Warning! Comment contains STEALTH LINK!


  3. Very cool, thanks very much Farquhar!

    If I'm not mistaken, it was "Pops" Armstrong who turned Bing into a Viper

    Speaking of YouTube, check this out
