Friday, December 23, 2022

“It’s My Happening And It Freaks Me Out!” Dept.


Age shall not wither them ...

The Strawberry Alarm Clock, amazingly, incredibly, awesomely, are still grooving along with the five original members. Carve their names with pride: Mark Weitz, Randy Seol, George Bunnell, Gene Gunnels, Steve Bartek, plus noob teen guitarist Howie Anderson, who's only been with the band thirty years or so. The elderly funsters recreated [above - Ed.] the classic/iconic cover of their first album for their website, which you should scamper over to - take a wild guess -  as soon as you're done here, and buy all their shit. Because they are groovy.

They didn't get the cred they deserved back in the day, because they went unapologetically full on for the hippie look, but these guys were - and still are - great musicians, and great writers. Here they are in the groovy movie Psych Out [AFF©- Ed.]:

And here they are in (I guess) an unused cover shot - who's your favorite SAC?

And here they are in gonzoid teensploitation masterpiece Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls:

Deliverables in comments!


  1. Santa's SAC is bursting with goodies!

    🍓Eight track (as opposed to 8-track) mini-album from the pre-SAC Thee Sixpence
    🍓First album Incense & Peppermints
    🍓Second album Wake Up - It's Tomorrow
    🍓Third album World In A Seashell
    🍓Fourth album Good Morning Starshine
    🍓"Reformation" album Wake Up Where You Are (surprisingly energetic and groovy)
    🍓OST Psych Out
    🍓OST Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls

  2. Bonus MYSTERY DISC here!

  3. SAC is the best Pop/Psyche band of all time! My fave is Wake Up - It's Tomorrow.

    1. They went through some changes! Do you have the Crystal Circus album? (*Mystery Disc spoiler*)

    2. The Crystal Circus album was engineered by Paul Buff. (Just making another Zappa connection)

    3. I did not know about pre-SAC. I'm looking forward to listening them!
      Zappa connection! I have tons of stuff talking about Zappa stuff, maybe some other time. (hint; I have been invited to Joe's garage and his house/studio back in 80's)

  4. Thanks for the cool post. The attached pics are fantastic. A wonderful band, I agree. I play 'the world in a seas shell' the most. - useo

    1. You're welcome. That recreated cover shot shows a great bunch of guys with a nice self-deprecating sense of humor (which is probably what they had from the start).

  5. Thank you very much! This took me straight back to junior high school. We didn't have "middle schools" then, but we had SAC on the AM radio!

    1. Damn shame they broke up to give Skynyrd the 3rd guitar.

    2. They're still gigging! And that latest album is really, really strong.

  6. Deliverables received and VERY much appreciated as always. We’re of the same mind on these guys. Happy Jimbles to one and all!

    1. It's great when passing time gives you a perspective. I remember sneering at the first album because "plastic, man!" but it's faultless, and the look now seems just something to make us happy, that was all they were ever about. Sit with the guru, groove with the SAC. I feel pretty much the same way about The Peanut Butter Conspiracy. You reach a point where you're just thankful that all this music was made and still has the power to make you feel good.

  7. Well this is nice, I didnt realised that you'd returned from wherever you've been. Looks like Ive got three months of catching up to do. Merry Christmas to everyone on the Isle.

    1. Every day is solstice festival on th' Isle O' Foam©, where the calendar is just something to hide a crack in the wall. I took a couple months break because reasons, and I've about halved my internet investment since wading back up the beach. Visitor numbers have dropped, but who cares?

    2. dear santy,
      this year, please see to it that none of us here gets what we deserve.

  8. Feeling old in the best way, the psychedelic echo way. thx

  9. Thanks for S. Alarm Clock, please keep up the fun.
