Thursday, June 27, 2019

None More None More

I recently showed the Spinal Tap movie to a couple of friends in their early thirties - Millennials, then - thinking they'd find it at least hilarious, if not the greatest cinematic artwork of all time. They sat slatey-faced and uncomprehending, and after about thirty minutes I gave up, and hit the abort button on the remote. There was simply no part of it that connected with their experience or tastes or cultural references, leave alone sense of humor. I'm not even sure they understood it was a spoof. Maybe I'm naive (one of them told me he wasn't a fan of - finger-waggle - guitar music, like it was psoriasis, so I should have known) but I was grievous disappoint. This is the movie with more quotes per square inch than Shakespeare. The movie that reduced an entire generation to sobbing, incontinent fools, again and again. And again. I may have watched It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World more times, but it's a close-run thing.

So what's happened? Has it dated so very badly? I suppose the answer is yes. Unless you understand the references, unless you have been immersed in rock music culture for at least a decade, it's not going to raise a laugh in the way that, f'rinstance, Airplane still can. And there's the fundamental problem that Millennials have with funny stuff. Like food, they have to sniff at it very carefully and approve its provenance first. The only good thing you can say about Millennials is that they'll die out because they are unable to breed, what with all that politeness and respect they have for each other. Millennials actually fucking? *shudder*.

Anyway, back to the funny stuff. Here's most of what I have. I have the rough cut of the movie somewhere, in appalling quality, which I'm sure you can find without my help. This bumper package of fun includes This Is, Break Like The Wind, Back From The Dead, and a couple of radio rockumentaries. Just don't play them for Millennials and you'll have a swell time.


  1. My daughter is 14, and a few months ago she came home from school and told me that a friend of hers had played the "this goes up to 11" clip, and she thought it was hilarious (she plays guitar and got the reference). So just this past weekend we watched the movie and she loved it. I did have to explain some of what was going on, but it really did get through to her.

  2. That's great news! There is hope for the next generation!

    I hope she will enjoy listening to their body of work - Break Like The Wind is an underrated classic IMHO - wait - I'm talking like an Amazon commenter!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Millennials are a rather sad bunch of people, no humor unless it's been approved by someone higher up the communist food chain.
    In fact everything they know and do is sour faced and tiresome.

    1. I don't think it has anything to do with communism, though. Communism looks like a fun time compared to millennialism.
