Mission Statement: to do very little, for very few, for not very long. Disappointing the easily pleased since 1819. Not as good as it used to be from Day One. History is Bunk - PT Barnum. Artificially Intelligent before it was fashionable. Fat camp for the mind! Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost. The Shock of the Old! Often bettered, never imitated.
I think I had one of these briefly. Or perhaps it seemed brief because my acquaintance with it lasted no longer than the time I was allowed to gawp at it in the shop window before being pulled away.
I'd be more impressed if a moving target was included. Here in The Land of the Freon, all the stores provide moving targets. So do the schools. And the churches. C in California
I think I had one of these briefly. Or perhaps it seemed brief because my acquaintance with it lasted no longer than the time I was allowed to gawp at it in the shop window before being pulled away.
ReplyDeleteIt was the basis of any schoolboy's armory. Dried peas worked better than the expensive "official" ammo.
DeleteI'd be more impressed if a moving target was included. Here in The Land of the Freon, all the stores provide moving targets. So do the schools. And the churches.
ReplyDeleteC in California
It's funny until when....